Chapter 11

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I've been home for two hours,  yet I still can't seem to find the motivation to get up of my bed and get ready for work. I'm always late too work, it's rare if I'm not. Mom always said its 'better late then never', which I think is why I never care about being on time or not. I never get into Shit for it, how could I? Sarah loves me to much to ever be mad at me. I'm never late by a lot, only by about ten minutes, because it always drags the first hour so if I'm late then it goes a little bit quicker.

I sigh in defeat and slowly, very slowly sit up and get out of bed. It's no good for me getting up quickly because my head just goes really dizzy and I lose my balance because of this anemia bullshit. I never knew it caused these affects, I thought lacking iron was just a normal thing for girls but I was far from right.

I make my way into the bathroom and turn on the shower.
Rik doesn't like me having showers. It's not what your thinking, but there was this one time we were both arguing over who could shower first, because mom was in the main shower, and I have one in my room which he so desperately needed to use, but of course he won because he's "the grown up" yet he's still more immature then me. But more to the point, I never change my temperature and I have really hot showers, it's no fun if you don't get out and your skins raw red, I think it's a girl thing. But he got in the shower and all I heard was a sqeal along with a load of cuss words and thudding. Me being my curious self knocked on the door to see what happened, when he opened the door he looked scared for his life, and, wrongly accused me of turning the temperature really high because he wouldn't let me shower first. When I told him that's just the temperature I use, he was generally gobsmacked and told me I'm not normal. It was a lot funnier at the time then it is explaining it trust me. But In my opinion, Rik's just a wimp and can't handle the heat.

I took of my jumper and turned my back to the mirror inspecting my wounds. Most of them have healed, but some of them are still looking bad, I've debated on asking Rik to put some disinfectant on it but I just can't find the courage. But if they don't start healing soon then i'll have no choice but to ask him. I've tried doing it myself but it's no use because I only have little arms and so I can't reach most of them. I can't ask my friends because they'll freak out.

I get into the shower and let the hot water run down my face. It's the main thing I love when having a shower, the water just running down your face and body is the nicest thing you can receive from it.

After washing my hair and body, I get out the shower and to my expectation, my body is red raw. I shove my hair in a towel and walk back into my room flopping onto the bed. I'm deciding to let myself air dry, because it's a lot less painful then drying myself with having all this Shit on my back.

I look over towards my clock and see that it's now half past five. I have to be at work for six but of course I'll make it for ten past six. I get up and walk over to my wardrobe looking for something to wear.

I can't remember the last time I did my washing, it must've been about a week before mom died, since then I haven't bothered doing anything. I just can't, but I think I'm going to have to because I'm running out of clothes.

I went with some plain black skinny jeans and my usual shirt I have to wear for the diner. It's nothing special, it's just a black shirt with Sarah's Diner written on the side of it. It used to be run by her father George who passed away ten years ago. I remember going in there when I was a child with my mom and Rik, they served the best burgers in town. Sarah tries but there no where near as good as her fathers were. Before Sarah took over, it used to be called ' George's Diner', and when he passed, Sarah didn't want to change it completely so she replaced his name with hers.

I arrive into the parking lot at exactly 6:10pm. I said I'll be ten minutes late. I turn off the car and slowly make my way towards the double doors. There's no need to rush, it looks empty anyway.

"Your late missy" Sarah says, raising one eye brow giving me a stern mom look.

"I know, i'm sorry, I just haven't been able to find the motivation today " I say, I'm not lying, I really haven't, besides all that crying on Oakley, really has drained me.

She takes another look at me before sighing and giving me a peck on the head before making her way over to a table to serve.

I crack on doing my own thing for what felt like ten hours rather then four. It really did drag. Maybe I jinxed myself.

Call me stupid but I completely forgot I'm working at the club tonight. Amber messaged asking me to come in a bit earlier to help her with her hair, which I'm forever thank full for else I'd of gone home. So here I am pulling into another car park dreading the next few hours.

I make my way into the dressing room, and help Amber with her hair. We went with two dutch plaits, and left a few strands out which makes her look 10x hotter in my opinion.

We changed into our lace body suites half an hour before we went on stage because I decided against asking Rik and asked Amber instead. She didn't ask questions or push me to talk, because she knew she wouldn't get it out of me. She put disinfectant over the wounds causing me to hiss and curse but Id rather that then end up in hospital. After she finished up, she put Bandaid's on them and stuck them down with medical tape, and to my surprise they looked better then what they did, now that she's cleaned them etc.

We went onto the stage and did our thing, dancing with the music. I think the bodysuits are more attractive then the lingerie, I can't remember the last time we had so much money thrown at us. We get a lot of money but not this much, this will last me two months with the way this is going.

I felt that I was being stared at which is unusual because I'm always being stared at when on stage but It felt weird. I scanned the room looking for something unsure of what until my eyes landed on someone. I wished i was wrong but I'm not. It's him. Again. Watching my every move as I move around the stage. I feel like breaking eye contact but I can't. When I do, I look over to Amber who is already staring at me, she knows alright. I shake my head and make my way towards the pole that she's moving around on.

"Why is he here again??" I ask. I didn't realise I was shaking until she grabbed my hands and danced along with me.

"I don't know. Try not to acknowledge the ass hole. He doesn't look like a nice guy Delilah, and he seems to take a liking to you." She then let go of my hands and nodded towards my pole, telling me to continue my thing.

I know she's right, he doesn't. He looks powerful and confident. Guys with that on show, represent danger. And the way Hector's face paled when he saw them, shows he's a very powerful man. But I can't help but want to know him. I want to know his name, what he does, what his parent are like. He gives me feelings that I've never felt before just by looking at me.

Thank fully, our time on stage went quicker then what we expected. We're now in the changing room, getting changed into another bodysuit so we can go behind the bar.

Delilahs bodysuit

Delilahs bodysuit

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Ambers bodysuit

Ambers bodysuit

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