I held Meryl's hand as we started to head upstairs, and as we entered into my older brother's bedroom, I began to give her a quick tour. It was a fairly spacious room, and I told Meryl how much time I used to spend in it playing video games and listening to music. I could see her nodding and smiling as she took it all in, her eyes glowing with both fascination and a slight playfulness.

The tour of my brother's bedroom subsided quickly. We exited, and I opened the door to my bedroom, feeling a rush of excitement and passion as I led Meryl inside. It was relatively cozy, but still full of life like my brother's room, with a few punk rock band stickers decorating the walls and some glow in the dark stars scattered across the ceiling.

I then opened the door to my balcony, feeling the chill of the night fill the room as I let Meryl in. I had spent a lot of time sitting outside on this balcony, looking out into the night sky and listening to the sounds of the wind and the distant city.

I stepped out onto the balcony, and Meryl followed after me, wrapping her hand around mine.

I felt my heart beat faster as I stood next to her, taking in the cold night air and breathing in deeply. As I looked over at her, I noticed that her red eyes were shining in the moonlight, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of calmness and adoration come over me. I smiled softly at her, my face filled with contentment as I let my body relax against her own.

We stood there for a while, just taking in the atmosphere and enjoying each other's presence. The night was both cold and refreshing, and even the air itself seemed to hold a certain sense of romance to it. After a few moments, we both began to get a bit cold, so we decided to head back inside.

I told Meryl to wait for me as I went inside to change, wanting to make sure that we both changed into more comfortable clothing before we made our way towards the bed.

I looked at myself in the mirror for a moment, realizing that Meryl's lipstick was still smearing against my neck and lips. I felt my face heat up with embarrassment as I tried to scrub it off, but to no avail. I let out a small sigh of frustration as I looked back at my reflection, my clothes still covered in some of her soft lipstick.

Meryl was still waiting for me by the bed, staring at me with a playful and yet sympathetic smile on her face. I could see her giggling as she watched me try to clean my neck, and I felt myself blushing even harder.

After a few minutes, I finally managed to get rid of most of the lipstick stain on my neck and lips. I changed into more comfortable clothing, before heading back to the bedroom and lending some of my own clothes to Meryl so that we could both be comfortable.

Meryl was still waiting by the bed, and as I handed her my clothes, she let out a small but adorable chuckle. I felt my heart skip a beat as I watched her change into my clothes, feeling a sense of warmth and excitement wash over me at the idea of her in my shirt and sweatpants.

Watching Meryl change, I felt my face grow hot as I glimpsed at her bare back, taking in her smooth and slightly toned skin. I gulped, but for some reason I felt a sense of intimacy instead of lust as I took in the sight. It was almost beautiful in a way, and I felt myself grow even more weary as I caught a glimpse of her bra strap as she changed. She was ethereal, and I was head over heels for her.

Once we both got into the bed, Meryl slowly pulled me towards her and began to spoon me. I could feel her freezing embrace around me as my body slowly felt more and more relaxed. It felt like we had finally reached a moment of pure and unadulterated intimacy, and I couldn't control the heat that grew on my face.

I wrapped my arms around her gently, my face buried in her neck as I let out a soft sigh of contentment. My body felt completely relaxed, and I felt my mind fill with thoughts of her and the night that we were about to share together.

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