Chapter Seven

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It's been weeks, October has come and gone and it was now the middle of November. Matteo was angry with himself for having a lapse in judgement when it came to Ophelia Selwyn. The only logical conclusion was him being under some kind of spell. If only he could get his treacherous body to stop betraying him the moment Ophelia is close to him. For weeks he has watched her completely forget what Theo did to her. Laughing and joking with him like he was her best friend. Matteo's rage was like a land mind, it was only going to take one wrong step and he would explode.

They were sitting around the table eating dinner one night, Matteo couldn't help watching Theo and Ophelia joking around. "Oh come on Lia" Theo began, Matteo rolled his eyes at the nickname. "No Theo, I already told you the last time you had a brilliant idea we almost died." she shakes her head taking a sip of her drink. "It was risky you already knew that. I carefully calculated it and we are still very much here." he counters. "Theo! We were minutes away from death." she huffs out. "I never said I was great at math." he answers her, she throws her hands in the air in frustration. "Exactly why I won't be going on anymore of your well calculated adventures." he bumps shoulders with her as he wiggles his eyebrows "But we had fun" he smirks. "Never going to happen again Nott." she tells him, her eyes traveling to see someone walk by the table. She smiles before standing up and bouncing away towards Fred Weasley. Matteo and Theo both glaring as they watch her and Fred flirt.

"Gryffindor is having a party tonight." he tilts his head slightly his eyes roaming her body. Ophelia gives him a flirty smile. "Oh yeah?" she asks him. Her eyes trail down to his lips before slowing coming back up to his eyes. Fred licks his lips "You should definitely come. Wouldn't be a party without you." Ophelia pretends to think about his invitation. "Hmmm, I'll see if I can make an appearance for a little bit." she gives Fred a wink before walking away, he watches the way her hips swing side to side. Ophelia knew she had him in the palm of her hands. she tries to sway seductively as she walks out of the great hall. Theo tried to act nonchalant, tried to act like he wasn't bothered but he was insanely jealous. "You boys look like you want to rip Fred's head off his bloody neck" Draco comments. Matteo glares at Draco as he laughs. "I don't give a fuck what Ophelia does." he tells him. Theo chuckles as Matteo's eyes turn murderous. "Give it a rest Matteo. It's okay to admit you like her." Theo tells his ex best friend. "You must have a death wish" Matteo grunts as Theo leans closer towards Matteo. "You might not be talking to me right now but that doesn't mean I don't know you better than you know yourself. We've been best mates for twelve years. You can lie to yourself all you want but it's clear that you have a crush on Ophelia Selwyn." Theo watches Matteo roll his eyes before tilting his head away from him. "Actually that explains a lot. Your obsession at having to beat her. The way you are always staring at her. Your crazy off limits rule you made us all swear by....." Draco chuckles. Matteo stands abruptly storming off, they were both delusional.

Pansy was excited to be crashing a Gryffindor party, she wanted to see how wild these up tight suck ups got. The girls spent entirely too long getting ready but that was all Ophelia's plan. She needed to be more than fashionably late, she had to make Fred believe she wasn't going to come. Get him a little disappointed, questioning himself then she would show up at the right time causing him to be utterly obsessed with her. She slips on a tiny silk black dress, the slit so high it stops an inch away from her hip. It was a backless dress, leaving little to the imagination. She was trying to swing full force back into finding someone to sleep with and Fred Weasley looked like a perfect candidate.

The girls make it to Gryffindor tower both of them couldn't help the way their faces cringed at all the hideous reds and golds. It was very homey and inviting. Some of the younger years began to whisper when they saw the two Slytherin girls walking in, Pansy and Ophelia contiuned to hold their head high as they looked for the Weasley twins. It didn't take long before they spotted them with a group of friends. George elbows Fred as he turns to see Ophelia walking towards him, his smile was wide before he took in her dress. His eyebrows raised as his eyes trailed up the high slit in her dress. "I think you might be way over your head on this one Freddy." George jokes clapping his brother on the back. Fred leans down to hug her his hand sliding to her back shocked when he doesn't feel any fabric and is only met with her warm soft skin. Fred was definitely way over his head but he liked the idea of playing with fire.

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