Chapter Five

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All Saturday afternoon she helped Pansy and Enzo get the common room ready for a party. They moved around the furinture, hung up the green string lights, set up tables for drinks. "Can you believe it's already the middle of October?" Pansy asks her two best friends. "Time moves fast when your having fun" Ophelia's voice dripping in sarcasm. "Oh come on my firecracker! You are exceling in classes this year. You're even beating Matteo by one point" Enzo winks at her. Usually she would be celebrating a victory like this, after all this is exactly what she wanted. She couldn't stop thinking about class yesterday, she just wanted to go back to their taunting. Whatever this new tension was between them, it was weird and overwhelming. Why can't they just go back to hating each other?

Pansy cocks an eyebrow at her, noticing the change in her friend. Ophelia shrugs her shoulder not really sure what to say as she busies herself in untangling some string lights. "Okay spit it out Ophelia." she demands, Ophelia tries to ignore her. Which was a stupid idea because ignoring Pansy is like ignoring a bull in a china shop. "Ophelia" she prods dropping the string lights and turning to stare her down till she breaks. "It's stupid." she huffs out folding her arms across her chest. Pansy waits for her to continue, her friend plopping down on the couch. "He's insufferable. The most infuriating boy I have ever met! Then he gets all puppy dog eyed on me and worries about me. Not to mention him trying to kiss me and my stupid heart feels like it wants to beat out of my chest and I can't make sense of my thoughts!" she rambles out. Enzo looks at her confused "Theo is your boyfriend aren't you suppose to kiss?" he asks, Pansy rolls her eyes "She isn't talking about Theo...." a small smile on her lips. This confuses Enzo even more. "Who is she talking about then?" he whines hating being out of the loop. "Matteo too big of an ego for his head Riddle!" she huffs out in frustration. "Shit!" Enzo says in shock. "Don't look at me like that. I know this is completely fucked up." she looks away in embarrassment. Pansy comes to sit by her friend. "Do you like him?" she questions her. Ophelia tosses the question around in her mind for a moment. "I don't really know Pans. The last five years has been about hating him. Then all of a sudden something...." she trails off "Changed" Pansy offered, Ophelia nods her head. "This is why I don't date. Why I keep boys an arm length away. I'll just end up breaking their hearts." her hands come up to rub her temples a headache starting to form. "Just be honest with yourself babe." Pansy tells her. "I really like Theo. He's been amazing......this thing with Matteo it's....well I don't know what it is but I know that I committed to Theo. I'm not just breaking things off because Matteo Riddle makes me feel things." her voice more confident. "Either way, your allowed to feel however you feel. Even if that means it's the boy you least expected to catch feelings for." Ophelia knew Pansy was right, even if things with Matteo were changing she was still dating Theo and she wasn't going to break that....even if those brown eyes were insufferably perfect.

They finish getting the common room set up for a party. The girls parting ways with Enzo as they go to get ready. Pansy helped curl her long red hair as long as she helped Pansy with her make up. Ophelia thought she got the better end of the deal, curling her hair was exhausting and time consuming. The girls were both changing into their outfits. "Holy tits!" Pansy giggles. Ophelia had put a sheer white floral cropped corset on, the only solid fabric was covering up her nipples. It had delicate thin straps that she tied into bows on her shoulders. She paired it with her favorite pair of jeans that hugged her curves just right. Ophelia looked at herself in the mirror one last time happy with the way she looked tonight.

The girls walked down the stairs fashionably late as always. Matteo was sitting on the couch in the corner, he was already on his fourth beer. That's when he caught sight of that fiery red hair walking down the stairs. His eyes trailed down her body, she looked fucking amazing. It was still weird for him to admit that, to admit that he might have feelings for her. He wanted to drown out her rejection tonight. He wasn't even planning on coming, he didn't want to see her with Theo. Didn't want to watch them dance. Then he thought what better way to forget Ophelia Selwyn then to drown in his sorrows with copious amounts of alcohol. Now that he was here and seeing her walk towards him he decided this was a very bad idea.

False Confidence //Matteo Riddle x OCWhere stories live. Discover now