Chapter One

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First Year.....Ophelia felt the anticipation humming in her body as she stood watching Professor Snape and his opponent Professor Lockhart in a duel. She was utterly fascinated watching Snape disarm Lockhart with the "Expelliarmus" spell. For a spilt second Lockhart's eyes were wide in panic, embarrassed to be disarmed in front of his fans.....errr students. He decided to divide the class up not wanting to embarrass himself more by losing another duel. "Hermione with Millicent" he calls out as Ophelia watched the smart Gryffindor girl pair up with the pudgy Slytherin. "Harry and..." Lockhart pauses as he looks around the room finding the white blonde boy next to her. "Draco" he says, she quickly smirks knowing that Malfoy has wanted a chance to beat the Potter boy since the first night they arrived. "Ophelia with Matteo" Lockhart announces before calling the next pair. She looks through the crowed to see the curly brunette Slytherin travel towards her with false confidence. She studied his face, wondering how he got the scar that runs from his forehead down to his mid cheek. The scar was causing part of his eyebrow hair not to grow. The corner of his lips turn up in a cocky smile as he made his way in front of her. "Ready?" he questions as she nods her head.

The two of them attack each other with all sorts of charms and spells. They were evenly matched so much so they were brought to the front of the room to demonstrate in front of the entire class. It was a battle to be seen, Lockhart thoroughly impressed by the pair. Ophelia found her opening as she shouted "Expelliarmus" her wand pointing at the boy. He went flying back onto the ground. Laughter erupted which angered Matteo. He was bested by a girl, which made his rising embarrassment worse. He was the Dark Lord's son, he couldn't let a girl beat him in anything. He sauntered up to her after class was dismissed. She gave him a sickly sweet smile as he glared at her. "You really had me out here thinking that you were truly a Selwyn." he pauses wrapping her fiery red hair around his finger studying it. "I think you're nothing but a pathetic Weasley. Make's sense. The red hair. The whiny voice. The poor form with your wand." his cocky smirk playing on his lips, Ophelia moves out of his reach. "Oh sweetheart." her voice oozing with sarcasm "Underestimate me Riddle. That will make it all the more fun" a serpent smile gracing her lips as she walks away from the stunned boy. This was the defining moment Ophelia Selwyn and Matteo Riddle became enemies.

Sixth Year....Ophelia was loading into the train as she spotted her friends. She made her way to them as Enzo stands immediately to hug her. She would eat him alive if she ever gave into his delusional crush on her. She was not the girl for that sweet boy, he was too good, too kind. She honestly didn't know how he became a Slytherin, but she wasn't complaining. He was one of her best friends. "Summer break details now?" Pansy demanded as she wrapped her in a hug. Pansy and Ophelia became fast friends in first year when they realized that every other girl in this school was unbearably boring. "Lots of trips and boys" she winked as Pansy laughed. The boys groaned at her words. "Really Ophelia? How do you keep up?" Draco scoffs as she gives him a cocky grin. "Sounds like you need someone to relieve all that pent up tension Malfoy" he rolls his eyes looking away from her. "I could really use someone to relieve my tension" Theo smirks as he gives Ophelia a wink. Ever since the end of fifth year the usual banter between her and Theo became charged with flirty intention. She wasn't quiet sure who started the flirtatious shift, but she wasn't complaining. Theo Nott was certainly an attractive boy, a boy she wouldn't mind being under. The only problem, he was best mates with her enemy.

"Riddle" Draco says, Theo stands as they go into their detailed bro handshake that had to take them hours to plan. Ophelia rolls her eyes at his presences. It was really difficult to have the same friend group, they were bound to put up with each other on a daily basis. Matteo sits down next to Draco and Theo, his eyes trailing across from him to see none other than Ophelia Selwyn. His day couldn't get any worse, that was until he had to listen to his best mate flirt with his sworn enemy. Matteo didn't see what Theo saw in her, sure Ophelia grew into her looks. Matteo noticed in fifth year how well she filled out, her features becoming more grown and not so babyish. He was annoyed hearing all the boys falling over themselves with lust for her. It was Ophelia, the same infuriating girl that wanted to ruin his life. He hated that she was considered attractive....hated the attention she was getting from the other boys. 

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