Chapter Two

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The first day was almost complete and Ophelia was pissed. So far Matteo has had every class with her and to make matters worse he decided to take it upon himself to sit next to her. "What's your game here, Riddle" She gives him a withering glare as he takes the seat next to her in their third class and last class of the day. He leans in to whisper in her ear "Keeping a close eye on the competition." she rolls her eyes at him. He was insufferable. "And you can't do that from afar?" she questions leaning away from his close proximity. "Defeats the purpose of keeping a close eye on you, Weasley" he gives her that famous cocky smirk of his, it was a very punchable smirk she thought. "Seriously! You're still on that. Is every red head automatically a Weasley?" she doesn't give him the satisfaction of looking at him. 'No, just you. Clearly it gets under your skin." He gives her a wink that she ignores. She turns those piercing ice blue eyes on him, if he was anyone else it would have made his breath catch. He wasn't anyone else, he was Matteo Riddle and her mesmerizing eyes were definitely not affecting him at all. He started to wonder if her eyes had always been that shade of blue, or if something happened this summer to change her. Make no mistake Matteo still hated her very existence, but there was something different about her this year. "Obviously you have mistaken me for somebody who gives a shit." she winks back at him, watching him roll his eyes while he turns his head away from her. "You are so infuriating" he groans out, earning a small chuckle from the fiery red head "And your insufferable." Class dragged on longer than the pair had wanted, the tension building between them. Both of them sighing with relief the moment class was dismissed.

Ophelia made her way to the courtyard to find her friends, finding them sitting under one of the trees as she bounces over to them, excited to be rid of Matteo for awhile. Or so she thought when he came to lean against the big oak tree. Theo gave her a cheeky grin as she sat down in between Enzo's outstretched legs, leaning against his chest as he wraps his arms around her. "How was class my little firecracker?" he asked her as he began braiding her silky long hair. "Would be better if I didn't have to share them with, Riddle" she grumbles as everyone laughs. "Are you really shocked that you both have the same classes?" Draco scoffs his eyes narrowing on her. She sticks her middle finger up at him, another scoff tumbles from his lips. "Dray is right, you both got the exact same scores on your O.W.L.S" Pansy told her as Matteo chuckled. "How's it feel to be my equal, princess" Ophelia's eyes meet his brown ones as she gives him a glare. "You wish I was your equal" his eyes twinkle, he enjoyed the taunting. Enjoyed getting her riled up. "Has anyone told you, your a fucking ray of sunshine?" he smirks at her. She tilts her head studying him "Has anyone told you, your a fucking psychopath?" she questions him. He stands up straight as he walks over to her leaning down, Ophelia's body instinctively sitting up to lean closer to him. Their faces were inches apart "Mmhmmm only in bed when I make them scream." the corner of his lips tilted in a grin, their eye contact intense, both of them not daring to look away. The intensity was suffocating to everyone around them, Pansy couldn't help the smile that spilt her face watching the two of them.

"So what's you schedules look like?" Theo clears his throat trying to break up whatever is going on between those two. Matteo was different this year, well Matteo and Ophelia were different. Usually they would ignore each other as much as possible. Only engaging in fights when one of them beat the other at something. This is the most they have interacted with each other and it's only been two days. There was something charged between them, some force that was pulling them together and ready to see them burn. Theo wouldn't have cared before, that was until last night. Until he had the best night of his life with her....before he wanted to make her his and only his. Matteo and Ophelia break their stare as he takes a seat next to her and Enzo leaning back on his elbows, Ophelia gives Theo a smile as she lists off her schedule.

"Monday I have ancient runes, then DADA, and after lunch potions. Tuesday herbology first period and apparition lessons after lunch then advanced Arithmancy , Wednesday is Alchemy and muggle studies both before lunch, and Divination after lunch. Thursday Charms, and care of magical creatures. Friday's are free for studying." Matteo gives her an incredulous look. "What?" she snaps at him. "We have the same schedule." his voice filled with annoyance. Pansy couldn't help the laugh that escaped her lips. "That's it I'm going to talk with Professor McGonagall right away." she says while standing up, Matteo follows suit "What the hell do you think you're doing, Riddle?" her eyebrows pinched together "If you think I'm going to allow you to talk with a Professor by yourself over our mutual schedule than you are mad" he states as she scoffs "You really think I'm going to screw you over and get you kicked out of the advance classes?" she questions him. "Yes" he says without hesitation, he made a valid point. Ophelia groans as she walks away, Matteo following her closely.

False Confidence //Matteo Riddle x OCWhere stories live. Discover now