Day 6

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Heavy footsteps were the only things to be heard. Echoing throughout his head, the sound was only mentally-apparent. The sound of the front door opening and being closed aggressively, ending with a slam, was loud and clear. What followed suit was the sound of a car door being closed and the car flooring it.

S.Coups was furious.

Chan was distraught.

All because he said the wrong name.

He laid hidden beneath the warmth of his throw blanket. Holding his phone against his face, he waited for an answer.


"Yeah?" the breathy and higher-pitched voice spoke.

"H-hyung, I messed up!" Chan sulked deeper within his blanket. Cuddling the teddy bear he received as a welcome gift from the team, he was only reminded of his hyung. "I-I said the wrong name..."

"...Okay. I don't even want to know why you were saying names, bu-"

"Jeonghan-hyungie," Chan interrupted to keep him straight. "Please listen!"


"Hyung, the more I stay here the more I feel sad, can't I just come back to practice already? It's boring being here all by myself... at least... it is now. I wasn't alone yesterday, he was with me. And then h-he left."

His tone of voice altered. From casually displaying his issues, he began mumbling pitifully afterwards. Jeonghan wanted to comfort the team maknae, but he didn't know how. As far as he knew, S.Coups was nothing more than a one-night stand. Chan was just the victim of being lead into his room and the rest that occurred inside that room was history. He couldn't try and divert Chan's feelings onto himself because he, unlike the few others--so far--wasn't in love with Chan.

At least, he thought.

"Chan-ah. You can't come back to practice yet."

He looked at his phone screen sadly, looking for a sign of a sympathetic and angelic face smiling at him. Alas, it was just the dial pad and speaker. 

"Then what am I supposed to do for two more days," Chan asked with a pout. He didn't want to be alone with all the time to think of what occurred the day before.

"Well, Director Jeon said to take three-to-five days to recover," Jeonghan was trying to hint at something. Chan, being the oblivious guy he is, was unable to catch his drift.

"Yeah I know," Chan said annoyed. 

Did he really think I forgot how long I was told to rest for? 

"Now, what do I for two days?"

"I heard Team Seven of Proof University is having a party tomorrow. You should go. I'll ask some of the team to accomp-"

"A party is more like the last thing I need," he retorted to the offer.

"Just go, you'll have fun. And besides, I heard Team Seven is full of hot older guys. College guys might just be better. They can help you, too."

Once again, Jeonghan was hinting at something. Chan just couldn't place his finger on it, though.

"Maybe like getting rid of your thoughts about a certain someone..."

There was a sudden change of mood as Chan got out of his blanket and asked intrigued:

"Where is this party, exactly?"

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