"Fuck off!!" Suddenly, a gust of wind mixed wit sharp ice hit the Klein brother, making his drop me in order to block off the attack. Tears fell down my cheeks, it hurt way more than I could have imagined. Just breathing now burned, let alone turning my face to look at Jiwoo whose eyes were wide in horror. Thankfully, because I'm awakened, the heat didn't damage my face at all. It just hurt like hell because his power seeped into my skin.

Subin then went in for another attack, both engaged in a bit of close combat until it happened anyways. Subin was kneed against a wall so hard, she became unable to move any longer, passed out momentarily. Then jisuk said his dialogue I remembered word for word. Egging on the Klein brother to go fight his sister instead rather than taking his anger out of them. Jisuk pushed him over the edge, earning many fireballs his way as Jisuk mustered up more wind, countering it before the deadly fire got closed. Exploding strong enough to push jisuk away just from the after shock.

"Dammit..."I spit out some blood after moving my mask off to the side a little, opening and closing my mouth to get used to the pain as quickly as I can. "Argh!" The brother kicked Jisuk in the chin, then smashed his foot into his arm, breaking it as well. I flinched, although jisuk and I may not have been of good terms for awhile now, it still pained me to watch him get hurt. Glancing as Subin, the guilt in my stomach only grew.

"I wonder how jiyoung's expression will change when she finds out you died a miserable death" he said, using the same technique on me to burn Jesus shoulder slowly. Just then, a foot long sharp icicle launched at the brother, earning his attention as he turned around, grabbing it. "You guys just don't know who you're messing with...or have you never experienced pain so bad you wished you were dead?" He mocked as I internally cursed him. I just experienced it thanks to you, you fucker! I coughed instead, unable to yell at him. Thinking he probably damaged my throat when burning me.

Glancing at Jiwoo again, I noticed him gathering as much power as he could with his force control. I pursed my lips. I was hardly able to help despite having a permanent force control that works 24/7. I'm still too damn weak. Clenching my jaw, I watched as jiwoo stood up to his feet after Jisuk told him to run away. "Wanna go again?" The man asked, amused by Jiwoos tenacity. "You think you can pull this off, in that state?" I grimaced, Jiwoo is of course probably the most hurt out of all of us and yet...I let out a slow breath, getting up off the ground. "Even if you all were in your best state, none of you would be able to beat me!" The Klein brother then used his power to make something similar to a fire tornado with him at the center, protect. "Hahahaahah! Alright! Give it a try!" His maniacal laughter sent shivers throughout my body, just the look at his flames made my neck throb.

My eyes moved to a nearby building, noticing Casein Nitrate watching from the roof. Furrowing my brows, I turned back to jiwoo when jisuk passed along his wind to help him with his speed. "Whatever you're trying to pull off, won't work! It won't change the fact you can't make it through my firestorm!" He yelled just when Subin used her ice attribute to surround his fire, dulling its true power. I gulped, not knowing how to give my powers from afar, leapt to him with a tiny amount before grabbing his hand.

"Hyung?" Jiwoo flinched, not expecting me to appear at his side. He felt something cold seep into his body from our connected hands, spreading everywhere in him. "It's heat resistance" I whispered, feeling the very last bit of my ability escaping my being. Once I had, I toppled over, unable to keep myself standing any longer as the mask I wore cracked after hitting the concrete.

Jiwoo stared at my passed out body on the ground, clenching his jaw as he immediately used his max speed, disappearing from sight, using every fiber of himself to reach the absolute limit, he broke through the brothers barrier, punching his chest as hard as he could. The speed in which he traveled to punch him only increased the damage as well as his electric attribute he gained from Kayden laying an even deadlier blow. The Klein brother flew away, collapsing onto the ground for good this time.

I smiled under my mask. He did it.

Then Jiwoo flopped over, unable to move anymore.

Lightening my breathing, I shut my eyes, focusing on my force control now to hurry up and gain as much energy to move around again. Before Jisuk, Subin, or anyone else were to try and help me. "Uhm...hey, you need help?" But it was too late when Subins voice entered my ears. I opened my eyes, wanting to speak but nothing came out. Instead I nodded my head, still very much feeling the burns. She easily grabbed my arm, pulling me up and swinging my arm around her shoulder, basically dragging me over to where jisuk and Jiwoo laid. Plopped me before them, I examined jiwoo.

"You alright Jiwoo?" Subin asked. "My arm hurts really badly...and I have no energy left" He admitted as I understood what he meant. It's the first time I used up everything, it didn't feel good at all. In fact, I felt too helpless to the point it was annoying. Both Subin and jisuk remained quiet, seeing Jiwoos tattered arm. Then their eyes drew to the Oni masked stranger. I flinched. "What about y-" Jiwoo, noticing cut of jisuks words. "Wooin" he said, earning both their attention again.

"We have to find Wooin, he might be in danger" Jiwoo said. As soon as he did, I thought of Seongha. Wooin will be fine. Seeing how things played out here, it's obvious I'm not able to change much of the bigger events no matter what. Even though I used a lot of strength against the Klein brother, he was still as strong as how the story played out, like my damage did nothing to him. I sighed.

Does this mean I can't interfere in the story even when I'm forcefully included?

A/n: uh oh, will Kains efforts now be in vain?

Me looking at the Eleceed Manwha while simultaneously writing and coming up with the fights as I go on:

Me looking at the Eleceed Manwha while simultaneously writing and coming up with the fights as I go on:

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Kain the whole fight like "IVE SEEN THIS BEFORE" (in his mind):

Kain the whole fight like "IVE SEEN THIS BEFORE" (in his mind):

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