CHAPTER TWENTY NINE - orcus has a terrible sense of humour

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Fenrys had been staying in his animal form for a bit over a week now. It had been the longest of such in years. A shiver rolled down Lorcan's spine as he remembered the events that had led to the last time Fenrys' had refused to shit back into his humanoid form.

And so, as he stared at the wolf's marvellous mane, as he noticed the lines of anger in its face and in the steps it took to circle the soldiers, Lorcan came to the conclusion that; in the end, all fault was solely his.

It always was, wasn't it?


"Someone ought to talk with him" Isabella muttered quietly to the males at her side. Gavriel, Rowan and Lorcan were all crumpled in the latter's office. Staring through a window at the white wolf terrorising everyone that dared cross his path.

It was so unlike her friend that she couldn't help but gnaw at her nails to the quick in worry.

As her words were met with silence, she emphasised her thoughts with more urgency and loudness. "We have to"

"Perhaps, we should not" Gavriel mumbled, unfazed.

She turned to look at him with distressing surprise. "What do you mean by that? He's obviously not doing well, and we should-"

Gavriel placed a gentle hand on her shoulder as a way of interruption. She hoped they would mistake her flinch at the touch for her being upset by his words and not for the pain that ignited such a simple touch.

"I am aware that you have yet to witness one of his...tantrums. But this is not unusual for Fenrys. He often tends to surrender to his wolf when he is furious or going through...something. It is easier to deal with unwanted emotions when one is an animal" Based on the way Gavriel spoke of it, Isabella had no doubt the youngest male was not the only one who often succumbed to the protection of his half animal.

"Still, shouldn't we at least try to speak with him?"

"Do you really think he will answer? He is in the state he is right now specifically because he doesn't want to talk"

"Maybe all he needs is to listen" She tried, already helpless.

"Don't worry too much. He just needs space to sort out whatever it is he is going through" Gavriel's eyes shot a quick look to the scenery behind her, where Lorcan still stared through the window at the wolf. "It'll pass"

Isabella grimaced in dissatisfaction at the result of the conversation. She wanted to object, but they had known Fenrys for longer than she had, and so she had to believe that they knew what was best for their lost friend.

"If that's settled, then I think we should take our leave" The Lion spoke to Rowan. "There is much work to do" She did not imagine the somberness in his words.

Still, they abandoned the room in silence. She was so taken aback by Fenrys' attitude and the mood that all the males bore with them that she didn't even have the energy to check Rowan's butt as he walked away. Okay. She did. It was quite impossible not to stare when he wore those pants. Bah. Whatever.

She turned in her heels and forgot all about her inner conflicts as she reached Lorcan's side. Out of all of them, he was the only one -apart from her- who could not resort to an animal to survive. And so she also worried for him as her other friend remained utterly still. Silent in a way that brought a heaviness to her heart.

Isabella let her head rest the side of his body -it would have been more comfortable if it were his shoulder, but he was too unnaturally told for her to do that- and sighed. They both studied Fenrys. She wondered if he knew they were looking.

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