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I'm lying there after they put all the hidden cameras and stuff in. I'm waiting for my dad to get there. He walks in. "Hey, dad..." I say. "You feeling okay?" He asks, closing the door. "No, you threw me against a wall," I say, annoyed. He closes the curtains. "Yea, I did," he says. "Why? I'm your daughter.." I ask. "Yeah, I wish you weren't..." he mumbles. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "I'm taking you home," he says. "Well, I can't. My ribs are broken," I say. "You can deal with it," he says, starting to take the oxygen out of my nose. "Stop it, dad," I say. "We're leaving," he says. "No..." I say. "What?" He asks. "I said no!" I yell. He pushes me off the bed. I scream. It hurts so bad. "Get up, you waste of space!" He yells. Security comes in and arrests him. The doctor rushes to my side. "We need a gurney!" I hear the doctor yell. I can't breathe. Everything goes black.

I gasp awake. I'm trying to rip the thing in my mouth out. "Hey, hey, hey, calm down, you're okay," a familiar voice says. My vision is blurry, but I see who I think is Tk.. I start to calm down. "I'm gonna go get the doctor. I'll be right back," he says, walking out. He walks back in with the doctor. The doctor takes out the tube and gives me water. I chug it. "Do you know where you are?" The doctor asks. "West Park Hospital, Austin Texas," I say. "Do you know your name?" He asks. "Yn Yln," I say. "Date?" He asks. "No, thank you," I say with a wink. "You're a funny one," he says. "Do you remember what happened?" He asks. "My jerk of a dad came in and pushed me off the bed. Then I woke up here," I say. "Well, when he pushed you, the ribs moved. You went into cardiac arrest. We had to do surgery on it, but we're hopeful it should be okay," he says. "Okay.. can I go back to work eventually?" I ask. "Yes, but you should give yourself at least 2 months to fully heal," he replies. Two whole months.. what am I going to do.. I can't just sit here doing nothing.. "I'll leave you guys to process everything," he says, leaving.

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