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A few weeks later, I'm in the bunk room pacing. "Hey, you okay?" Judd asks. "Yeah," I say. "It's hard losing someone on the job," he says. I feel tears forming. I wipe my eyes. "Sorry," I say. "Why are you apologizing for crying?" He asks. "It's weak. I'm not weak. I'm s strong," I say, trying to stop the tears. Stop... why won't they stop... "Hey, it's okay not to be strong all the time," he says. "You need to be weak before you can be strong," Owen says. "Like Steve Rogers. He was a weak kid before he was Captain America," Mateo says. I laugh a little at the comparison. "You have a bunch of repressed tears.. don't you?" Judd asks. I guess I do.. "It's better to just let all the feelings out," Nancy says. "Plus, if you bottle it up too much, it could lead to you relapsing," Tk adds. I don't want to relapse. I look at everyone. Tk walks over and hugs me. "Let it out, yn," he says. I start to break down.. the alarm rings. "You can both take this one off," Owen and Tommy say. Tk nods, and I just keep crying. Once everyone leaves. I look at him. "I don't want to feel it.." I say. "You need to," he says, playing with my hair as he did in NY. I put my face into his chest and just cry. I don't even know how long I was there.

I eventually stop crying. I sit up. "You feeling better?" He asks. "Yeah, I do," I say. "Did it help the urges go down?" He asks. "Yeah.. it did.." I say with a smile. "It hasn't been this good.. well, ever.." I say. "Well, that's great," he stands up and stretches. He helps me off the ground. "Let's get going before we're late," he says. "Late for what?" I ask. "Game night," he says. "Oh.. the last one, there is a rotten egg!" I say running. "Oh no, you don't!" He says, running after me. "I win!" I yell. "No way!" He yells. "Who got in first?" I ask. "It was totally me, wasn't it?" Tk says. "It looked like a tie to me," Marjan says. "Aww," I say, sitting down. "So.. the crying helped, I'm guessing?" Owen asks. "Yeah.. It did," I say with a smile. Judd and Grace smile at each other. We start playing.

The Fire Family -  911 Lone Star FanficWhere stories live. Discover now