"Are you?-"I started to ask

"No it's fine I guess he's made it quite clear"she instantly said I felt more for Evie like she's my best friend even though conor is my brother he has done the damage to make her feel this way like she tried to give him another chance but clearly he isn't putting the effort back in like yes he's sending flowers and for some what reason when they face to face I do know by me not even being there he knows how to fuck it up massively and he's the problem

"Anyways I need to get shower and edit this and I got a late meeting"she said wiping some of the tears and she stopped crying and got up

"Okay we'll do you want me to stay or just let you get on with the day?"I asked

"I mean I don't mind but I'll just be editing so I think you can do better things with you're day"she said laughing a little

"True but hay"i said and she turned around I got up and gave her a hug

"Come see you more"i said she nodded

"Okay love you, enjoy the rest of you're day"she said as I let go of the hug and gathered my stuff together and she walked into the bathroom

"I love you too mate, take care and I'll see you later! I'll let myself out"i called out

"Yeah course, cya later!"she shouts back and I left the apartment and started headed to my car and as I head I see conor

What the hell is he doing?!

"Conor mate"I sighed he walked towards me

"What?"he asked

"I'm you're here for Evie I'd advise you to leave she doesn't wanna see you"I said

"I'm here to make things right mate"he said

"And what fuck it up again? Please conor just leave her be she's got amazing things coming up and you're not going to ruin it"i said

"I'm trying can't you boys see!"he sighed

"Please after you're last single I'm surprised you wanna try"i said walking off

"What?"he said

"Conor just go home"i shouted and unlocked my car and got in and just watched him stood there and I slowly pulled up and rolled down my window

"Listen to you're fucking song and then think should you go up there because between me and you it made her cry"I said and I drove off

He's so fucking blind

Evie pov
I got a knock at the door I just stepped out the shower my hair was wet I was only little shorts and my bra i threw on a hoodie and answered the door


"Hay.."he said

"Im not interested sorry"I breathed and went to shut the door he stopped me I just walked away from the door and sighed

"Why you here?"i said

"To talk"he said

"Why? You're song made it clear what I am to you and whatever you call our meet up was then I'd say what is it oh 'i'm sorry, it's too late to try' like I got the message you can go now"I say bluntly

"Look Evie I get it I made you out-"he started to say

"Like the villain?! Yeah you did but in reality why I broke up with you well-"I started to say

"Yes I know! And I'm sorry and I'm really trying okay I'm guilty of every mistake I make but I'm trying! Practice makes perfect I'm sorry! I'm really am not mr perfect like you dreaming of!"he exclaimed

Then a part of me the deep down part felt care and miss him like i really do love him even if it's unhealthy I curled up on the sofa and put a blanket over like this boy maybe it's not the trying I'm expecting but he does make an effort maybe a bit of a push might help even if I want him to do it myself he won't automatically

"Look I didn't mean to-"he started to say

"No it's fine I do get it.."I said quietly he sat on the sofa next to me

"I'm trying...like I really am I'm sorry for our date got ruined it's just when you called me you're ex boyfriend it did really hurt because I meant to be you're boyfriend...but liked my brother said I keep fucking things up"he said

It fell quite I can see he's on his hands a knees begging for forgiveness even if it's not what I want...he's everything I want

"Just you're too good for me the song if you listen to all the lyrics it's me trying but I know it's too late to try because you've got you're life together since we've split like the pretty apartment for a prettiest girl and then the clothing brand that's she always dreamed of...then there me who doesn't know what to do and is guilty he hurt the girl who was his future"he said it fell quite

By the tone of his deep husky voice he was hurting and him not even looking at me just looking around the apartment and me just looking at his handsome face and I felt sympathy and the love and care that I had for him I mean there still pain a lot of pain on what he did but the love I have for him there is potential

"Conor you are my future still"i mumbled he looked at me and his hand on the blanket where my thigh was and his thumb gently rubbing the fuzziness of the blanket but it felt like the blanket wasn't even between us

"How can I be? I fuck up everything I hurt you about a song and even the full album will scare you and I can't even tell one of my best friends he crashed a date all I have in me is sending you flowers but they only die"he sighed

"Well...you have a beautiful voice and mikey would have told everyone and the flowers are pretty you know my favourite roses"i said quitely

"I don't need the sympathy"he said bluntly and looked away again

"Conor I've been really hard on you and maybe that's pushing you away or making you fuck up this-"i started to say

"I did this not you Evie"he cut me off

"No conor I need to trust you and if I don't we not going anywhere, look even know you I am hurting you've told me it won't happen again-"I started to say

"It won't! It genuinely won't! I can't even look at girls I only see you and want you! I don't deserve you"he cut me off

"I do! In my scared hurt body I need to try as well like you cut up the hoodie that abi wore that time I came round-"I started to say until again he cut me off

"Yeh but abi said It takes two to tango and I played along with abi flirting and I can't my dick"he sighed

"Two to tango huh?"i asked he nodded

"Abi like you said she's jealous and she means nothing now you cut up the hoodie and planned a cute date and maybe it ended badly but it takes two to tango so maybe we both need a bit of trying I need to trust you more and well you just keep trying on what you're doing"i said

"Keep trying huh? What else can I do a lot of things"he asked

"A cuddled and maybe help with editing a video..."I said quietly he looked at me

"A cuddle?"he laughed

"Do miss the cuddles on the sofa"i smiled he moved his hand and rested back more in the sofa and grabbed my tv remote and looked at me

"Come on then"he said and I moved and my head rested on his chest with arm around me and pulled the blanket on to us and stoked my hair while he turned on the tv

"Will watch some nextfix I mean I haven't finished our series since you left and then maybe after an episode or two will start in that editing"he said

"Sounds like a plan"

Unholy -Conor Maynard fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now