Chapter 3

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Jack pov
Me and Lilly was chilling with our dogs Roxy and Tutuila and there was a knock at our door me and Lilly looked at each other confused

she went to get up but I sprung up before she could even get up she froze and looked at me

"I'll see who it is"I said and I walk to our door she laid back and off I went confused to the door because normally people would ring the apartment and I open the door to see


"Alright"he said sleepily

"You alright mate"i said and Lilly walked up and we was just looking at Conor

"You okay Conor?"Lilly says I invited him in and he slowly walked in the dogs waging there tales he ignored them which he never does

"Can I stay with you for just a few days"he said

"Why?"I said and Lilly shit the door

"While Evie packs up her stuff"he said

My eyes widened

"Wait...surly not?"lilly says I was just looking at my brother

"She-"I said

"Yeh she finished with me so Erm..yeh"he said shakily and coughed clearing his throat


Few days later
Evie pov
"You sure this is everything? I thing else?"Liv asked

"Yeh"I said quietly and sniffled I can't stop crying

"You ready then?"she said

"Erm do you mind running these to the car and I'll do the last checks"I said quitely looking around the apartment

I lied I just wanted to say goodbye to the place

"Yeh course hun, I'll wait in the car come down when your ready"she said I said nothing I waited to hear the door shut

It shut and almost echoed like the place was empty and it brought me to a flash back of the other night

"Evie please listen!"conor said

"No you don't get it!"i said in frustration and tears

"Conor you have no explanation about this Abi is because something has happened and you know what I know now!"I argued in tears

"The dms are fake for fuck sakes"he said

"What about the tik tok where your looking into her eyes lovingly like you've never done with me! In a club!"i said walking around the apartment trying to get space from him yet he kept following me

"Tik tok?...I did my research like I don't get what-"he said trying to think

"Conor you should't even need to do research it should be a straight up No if you haven't cheated!"I yell

" fuck me for the last time Evie! I DIDN'T FUCKING CHEAT"he said it fell silent because I was slightly scared I've never been in an argument with Conor but I knew I had to man up

"Did you kiss abi?"i said bluntly

"No"he fired back

"Did you have sex with her?"I asked again bluntly

"Fucking hell no"he sighed in frustration

"Okay...have you flirted with her"i said he fell silent i smirked a little and then my emotions hit me like a ton of bricks anger and sadness I closed my eyes

"Baby I don't know but I didn't cheat"he said

"Well you can do whatever you want now can't you, because I'm done"I said and I grabbed my hat and put on my shoes

"Wait Evie! Don't do this...where are y-"he started to say

"Be out of here for 2 days in 2 hours"i said

"No Evie I love you please-"he started to say

"If you love me Conor you'd do as I say"I said bluntly he paused and took a step back we looked in each other's eyes and all I could see was a different person

"You not the Conor I love.."I said and left the apartment and I burst into tears

What does this mean for me and Jack generally

"Packed up already"I hear Jack voice I turn around and see him

"How did you?"I asked he dangled the keys

"My brother owns the do you"he said

"No he pays for it I mean I could pack up all the food but then he die of starvation"i said

"He's going to die without you"he said I shook my head

"Look Evie for whatever he's done it isn't bad as what your ex did and he does care about you"Jack said

Can't believe he's defending him

Well...I can because it is his brother

"I promised-"I started to say

"I promised 7 years ago I won't let another man cheat or fuck me around again"he mimicked I looked away and shook my head

"Look I get it but that's before you got in like 5 to 6 year relationship with my older brother...I'm sure you can work it out"he said

"The fact your defending him when your my best freind-"I started to say

"He's my brother"he cut me off again

"Stop cutting me off"I sighed trying to to get angry at another Maynard this week

"Sorry I just know this isn't right"he said

"I'm your best freind and he's your brother and it feels like you are stuck in the middle"i said

"Yeh"he laughed awkwardly

"But guess what"I said

"What?"he said cluelessly

"Oh my god you don't have to be!"i said sarcastically

"Because it's our relationship not yours"i said bluntly he pulled a face

"Not so I'm innocent anymore are ya!"he snapped back

"I'm sorry it's just I feel like I can't trust him"I said he sighed

"Look you are my best friend and I can't force you so okay..."he said getting up off the stool in the island of the kitchen we just looked at each other

"What does this mean for us?"i said cluelessly

"Whatcha mean?"he mumbled confused

"Do I just not talk to you anymore"i said she smiled

"Shut up you"he laughed I looked at him confused and kinda felt awkward he walked up to me

"Like you said it's not my relationship is it"he said I smiled

"Come here"he said and gave me a hug

"Everything will be okay! You can still survive because you've got me"he said I let go of the hug

"Anyways I need to go to Liv's so"I said

"Oh yeh I saw her on the way up she probably getting inpatient knowing her"he joked I laughed and we walked out the apartment Jack open the door I stopped and look back

"You okay?"he said

"Yeh"I said

"I'm sure you'll be back"he said I looked at hi. He was laughing

"You're and idiot"I laughed as I playfully push him out the door

Unholy -Conor Maynard fan ficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora