Chapter 2

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Conor pov
"You know she's been cheated on loads in the past"Jack said I sighed

"Mate I know.."I mumbled

"Look you are my brother but she's also my best friend and I told you if you fuck her about-"he said cut him off he was walking  up and down the kitchen it agitated me more

"I didn't cheat though!"i exclaimed

"Conor you been flirting with this girl while drunk haven't you."he said I didn't say anything because it was kinda true well that's what the dm looks like that she sent to Evie

"Conor you fucking idiot"he sighed it fell silent I had my head down overthinking the full situation like Evie is my everything but I wouldn't call it a slip up into my old ways but it kinda is at the same time but I was drunk so I generally don't know what I've said to this girl but hand on heart I haven't had any sexual contact in any shape or form and I know that for a fact

"Wait"he said I look up at him

"It's 1 am, where is Evie?"Jack said I look at the time

Fuck me it's one in the morning...

Where is she?!

I clicked her contact and then he snatched my phone and that pissed me off

"Don't think so fella"he said

"No fuck off she's my girlfriend"I said bluntly and took the phone back

It rang

Straight to voicemail


Evie pov
"Evie he'll want to know where you are"liv said

It's 2:30 am and Conor rang about 5 times and Jack rang 3 times but I don't want them to know where I am

"Even Jack called-"she started to say

"Liv leave it"i said bluntly on the verge of tears

" know what okay baby"she sighed

"Just at least get some sleep"she said I nodded and she said goodnight to me and I went in her room I was sleeping in the guest bedroom and I try and shut my eyes and my phone pinged I ignored it and it pinged again I sighed and looked at my phone

Conor:please pick up so I know you're safe ❤️

Jack:where are you and tell me you're in a safe place please I beg x

These boys I'd die for literally but Conor hurt me and for some fucked up reason I want him to feel the pain and worry I'm in I got out of bed and the guest room had a mini balcony I put a jumper that was Conor's and sat in the cold and cried

This boy i live so much but I promised myself and to my mother who passed years ago now she was the only family member I had left since my dad left me when I was 5 but my mother past with no family on her side I knew and She died in a car crash like when I first got with Conor, so Jack and Conor is all I had because I became fragile and less independent and they always protected me and been there for me

But I promised my mum I wouldn't let a man mess with my head again...

I need to leave I can't be with him

My phone pinged again

Jack:I know you're not in the right headspace but for my sake at least not Conor's mine tell me where the fuck you are

Jack done nothing wrong...

To Jack:I'm safe okay x

Instant reply

Jack:Thank god. Thank you eves hope your okay xx

He's a good egg

Next morning...
I left Livs at 5:30 am I just left her a text when she wakes up, I've had no sleep so I wanted to walk home it's still dark the street lights made it scary

I get very sacred and paranoid easily but I feel safe always with Conor and Jack as well but I'm on my own and the walk from Liv's to mine and Conor's felt like forever but finally I could see the apartment complex I felt safer when all of a sudden

I hear a man whistle


"Where you been gorgeous"he said I ignored him and walked a bit faster and then within two seconds he was in front of me and it caused me to stop

"Slow down baby girl"he said he looked me up and down

"Jeeze you ar-"he started to say until

"Get the fuck away from her."I hear a familiar voice say and he turned around

I stepped aside to see Conor and he signalled me to come to him My scared self instantly went to him and he kinda stood a bit in front of me protectively

"I thought she was-"he started to say

"A prostitute? Are you a fucking idiot?"he exclaimed and I held him back and he turned his head to look at me and then instantly looked at him and he was already mid walking off

"Sorry"he mumbled under his breath and he was already gone and Conor watched him leave for a while and then he looked at me

"What the fuck you doing out at this time and also where the fuck have you been"he said bluntly and took off his black and white checked jacket and gave it to me I put it on he was angry but I could see he cared but I stood my ground

"You don't realise what I've been through since the last time I saw you"I said he seemed shocked I talked back but I think it made him angrier

"Oh I know trust me"he said

"Thanks for at noticing after a few months"I snapped back he paused to stop himself from yelling at me

"I don't understand why you have and issue with me but can we just get you inside because you look like you haven't slept and in case you care I haven't slept"he said I shook my head

"The thing is conor I made a promise that I wouldn't let a guy fuck me around again"I said sharply

"Why you acting like this! Can you just come inside for fuck sakes"he said bluntly

"no not until you tell me what's going on!"i exclaimed

"There is nothing going on!"he yelled

"WHO IS ABI THEN"I screamed in tears he fell quite

He's been caught

"Exactly. Don't you dare speak to me again"

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