Chapter 16

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Conor pov
Evie left abruptly and I dunno what it is maybe I am truly the problem we'll I should know that why did I not say 'yes mikey you are interrupting a date' maybe the whole thing of her saying the word 'ex boyfriend' when she mentioned it but I should be a man and suck it up but I didn't I just stood there

"Mate!"mikey said hitting me lightly and flashed out my thoughts

"What?"I said

"Yes or no was you on a date?!"he said

"Yes!"i exclaimed

"Why didn't you say that! Or she!"he asked

"I dunno! Why would she be on a date with her what she calls ex anyways"I sighed and I look at him and he's giving me a wired look

"What?! What have I done now?"i exclaimed im tired of being the bad person

"Buddy she said something that hurt you or did you say something?"he asked

"No!-well she...yeh she kinda did she called me her ex boyfriend"I said he sighed

"You know what! Once again I fucked yo I don't need another one of you boys telling me how to make it right I'll just do it myself!"i said moodily

"But we all know that isn't going to end well...but amber at home so I'll talk to you later mate"he said and we said our goodbyes and headed off back to our apartments

I mean should I call Evie? Or should I leave her?

I pressed to ring her and it kept ringing

Straight to voicemail so I tried again

Rang and rang

Straight to voicemail

Okay she doesn't wanna talk to me clearly i just shoved my phone in my pocket and started walking a bit faster to my apartment I was angry at myself and also a bit of her but I don't know why because she's done nothing wrong it's only my feelings that got caught up in my head that made me feel wired around her and when she walks away or tells me to leave then I feel guilty but when she stays I don't care that I'm making her question her feelings or make her feel like she's done anything then my phone buzzed

Evie:I'm sorry x

I replied back

Conor:where are you? Why you just leave me like that? We suppose to talk right?

"We are"I hear a voice shout I look and I see Evie I stop so she can catch up to me I was just looking at her and her pretty face I need her to not leave my side tonight the vision and thoughts came over me about the things I'd do to get her in my apartment tonight and to get her in my bed and do as the many things to please her was honestly endless

The dark thoughts was there and no guilt of these unholy thoughts

"Conor I-"she started to say I took her hand

"Don't talk just come with me"i said and I start walking her to my apartment

Evie's pov
We got to conor apartment and I look at the time and it was around 5:30 pm and he instantly just started kissing me I was kissing him back

But what the fuck I'm so confused?!

"Just please let me"he whispered as he kissed my neck where is my weakness he was being so gentle and loving how I like it I breathed heavily this is not what I wanted to happen

I know I'll regret it in the morning but right now it feels so good

"Please can-"he breathed looking in my eyes I nodded he took off my jumper and we slowly as we was kissing each other and taking each others clothes off we made it to the bedroom

After a while...
We was putting our clothes on some I had to go in the living room to grab and as I put my jumper on I went to the bathroom and closed the door and looked at my self

I felt like a one night stand girl I started crying is this all I am to him if we waited and stopped having sex it make it better when we was in a good place or potentially back together but being back together I don't think can be a thing any time soon if we keep this up because when he asked me out on a date and all the sweet words he was saying seemed that we was genuinely like we was going on the right direction

But then...he couldn't tell mikey that we was on a date I hurt him by saying one word which I understand but why couldn't he tell me properly than being blunt and then he tells me to come to the apartment and we end up being he's slut for a few hours

"Evie"Conor said and knocked on the door I took a breath and wiped my tears and opened the door and we just looked at each other

"I need to work so erm..."he said I felt like I was stabbed in the heart multiple times in the heart

"So you're kicking me out?"i said and I felt the tears come out again and he realised what he done

"I'll call-"he started to say

"No! You know what I'm so done with this unhealthy shit"I cried and walked past him to grab my shoes and my bag

"No Evie I'm sorry! I genuinely am trying!"he said

"Not enough conor! If you genuinely don't wanna see me leave-"I started to say

"I don't I really don't!"he panicked

"Then try harder because you're thinking about yourself not me"i said and opened the door I could see he was stressed

"Please don't-"he said

"What's happening?"I hear Jack voice I look

He stood outside


"Why are you here? And crying? What did he-"Jack said confused

"Just ask him"I said and I start walking he stopped me and I look at him

"He's hurt you and by the looks of it you're hurt mate"Jack said looking at both of us

"Jack just leave us"Conor sighed

"No will leave you"i said looking in them deep blue eyes and I looked away at Jack and he nodded

"Yeh see you later"he said and we walk off

"So what happened"

Unholy -Conor Maynard fan ficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin