Chapter 33: Destructive Perfection

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"I can't believe I have to go to this bloody conference!" Ron said grumpily as he threw clothes haphazardly into a duffel bag. Hermione calmly picked up each article of clothing and folded it neatly before setting it back in its place.

"It's not as though you have these things very often," Hermione said sensibly. "There's especially no point in getting ruffled about it since there's no choice in the matter."

"That's another thing!" Ron said, lobbing a few pairs of socks into the bag. "I should have a damn choice in the matter! Harry's not going!"

"Really?" Hermione asked. She had been spending large amounts of time at Grimmauld Place since James had been born, but hadn't seen them in over a week, so she had not heard this bit of news. "Well, I'm sure he's busy with something else."

"That's just it! He's not -- he just up and decided to take a few days off!"

Hermione sighed. "Once again, I'm sure he's busy with something."

"He just got back to work! What could he possibly be busy with? I mean, I know Ginny's going to be gone to that Quidditch game today and James needs to be watched, but it's the principle of the thing! Mum could've watched him!"

Hermione gave a noncommittal shrug - there was never any point in talking to Ron when he was like this. She added a few more items to his duffel bag, zipped it shut, and offered it to him.

"Thanks," he muttered as he flung the strap over his shoulder. He wiped at the sheen of sweat that coated his forehead. "The only possible good thing about this conference is it should be a damn sight cooler than it is here."

"I would hope so," Hermione said, unconsciously pulling at the neck of her dark blue T-shirt. She could hardly remember it ever being this hot in mid-August. "I can't wait for this heat-spell to break."

"Me either," Ron said. "Hopefully it'll be cooler by the time I get back. So what are you planning to do while I'm gone?"

"I don't know," Hermione said. "I might just catch up on some reading since I have tomorrow off as well."

"Why do I even ask?" Ron said, rolling his eyes jokingly. "Don't go having too much fun without me."

"Of course not," Hermione said, rolling her eyes back.

"Okay, then. I guess I'd better go," Ron said, pulling the bag more securely onto his shoulder. "I'll be back in a couple days."

"Right. Be sure to call if you get the chance."

Ron pulled his new cell phone from his pocket distastefully. "I still don't see what Muggles see in these things."

"It's much more convenient than owls or Floo, Ron. They're really one of the few things I'd say Muggles have over magic."

"Fine," he replied moodily, stuffing the phone back in his pocket. "I'll call if I get some spare time."

He leaned down and gave her a quick peck on the lips before standing up straight.

"Well, see you later," he said, and disappeared before Hermione could utter a quick goodbye.

She sat down on the bed after Ron left and pondered what she could do for the rest of the day. She glanced around the room, checking for anything that was out of place. As she expected, there was nothing.

She moved throughout the rest of the house, picking up a few items that Ron had managed to scatter in the small amount of time he'd been home. She replaced them in their proper locations, and then sat down once more, this time on the couch.

This happened every time she was off for more than a day.

She woke up almost as early as she would on a workday.

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