Chapter 31: An Old Enemy

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"Mr. Potter?"

Harry glanced up at the Auror who had stepped into his office.

"What can I help you with, O'Brien?" he said, setting down his quill.

"Nothing for me, sir," O'Brien replied. He jerked a thumb behind him. "Wahler asked to see you in his office."

"Did he mention what it was about?"

"No, sir. Just said it was urgent."

Harry sighed in frustration as he checked his watch. Almost five - this had better be important.

"Alright, I'll be in there in a second," Harry grumbled.

O'Brien nodded and retreated from the room.

Harry tossed whatever papers he hadn't completed rather haphazardly into his satchel and threw it over his shoulder, sincerely hoping whatever Wahler had to say wouldn't take long.

He rapped once on Wahler's door and entered without waiting for a reply since his boss was already expecting him. "You wanted to speak with me, sir?" he said with as much politeness as possible.

Wahler looked up from his own paperwork and gave a curt nod. "Yes, Potter. Take a seat if you would."

Harry promptly dropped his satchel and sat down, waiting for Wahler to continue. He really didn't have time for pleasantries.

"I suppose there's no point in beating around the bush," Wahler said, to which Harry nodded his approval. "Do you remember requesting any information we discovered about a particular Death Eater?"

"Yes," Harry said, gripping his wand within his pocket. "Dolohov. Are you saying you've found out something about him?"

"Even better," Wahler said. "We believe we know his location."

"Really?" Harry said, sitting up straighter in his chair. This was news indeed. "Where is he?"

"We think he's hidden in a hunting cabin in Scotland. Near Polmont."

"Excellent," Harry said.

"I assume you still wish to have precedence over the case?"

"Definitely," Harry replied fervently, a slight edge to his voice. "I have a personal reason to see Dolohov in Azkaban."

"Understood," Wahler said. "But if you want to lead the case you have to leave within the next half-hour."

Harry had to make a mindful effort not to allow his jaw to drop. "But-but sir, it's Valentine's Day -"

"I'm fully aware of that, Potter. But who knows how long we have until Dolohov moves? There's no telling if our source could send out some sort of warning. And if he has been warned the only advantage we have is catching him unprepared."

"But sir -"

"Look, Potter," Wahler said sternly, "either you want the job or you don't. I'm actually giving you a choice in the matter. If you don't want it, I'll recruit someone else. But it's happening tonight whether you want it to or not. And I need your decision now."

Harry hesitated for only the briefest of moments, but his desire to see Dolohov rot in Azkaban exceeded his need to rush home to Ginny. Aside from Peter Pettigrew, Antonin Dolohov had been the first Death Eater who had caused him suffering. Peter Pettigrew had given him his first taste of murder during the Triwizard Tournament, and Dolohov...he had instigated more emotional pain in Harry than he had ever felt in his life up to that point. He had never been more terrified than when Hermione had collapsed from Dolohov's curse, and had never felt more relief than when he discovered she was still alive.

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