Chapter 15: Threats

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As Hermione and Harry stepped out of the Manticore, they were greeted by the light of morning. They had been in the bar longer than she had anticipated. A quick glance at her watch revealed that it was six in the morning.

"Do you think your parents would be up at this time?" Harry asked as she glanced back up.

Hermione scrunched her nose thoughtfully as she gazed up at the sky. "If it was a weekday they might be up, but as it's Saturday it might be best to wait a little while longer."

"So what do you propose we do in the meantime?" Harry said, shoving his hands into his pockets.

Hermione cast her eyes in the general area around her before pointing to a small pet shop across the alley called Bitzer's Best Beast Shop. "I guess we could go there-I'd like to get Crookshanks some treats. May as well while we're waiting."

"I guess so," Harry said. "It looks like they're open already. For some reason. Who opens shop at six in the bloody morning?"

"They do, apparently."

Harry shot Hermione a dark look.

"Okay, shall we go in then?" Hermione said hastily, clearly noting that Harry was a bit fed up with waiting.

Without pausing for his reply, she opened the door and entered the shop.

A glance around quickly revealed a vast array of animals significantly different from those at home. While owls, cats, rats, and toads made up the major portion of pets in Britain, Bitzer's Best Beast Shop contained these as well many others: snakes, lizards, tortoises, tropical fish, jellyfish, tarantulas, parrots, and even a wallaby that hopped jovially throughout the room.

"Incredible," Hermione said, walking over and tapping one of the large fish tanks.

"Yeah," Harry agreed, leaping back as the wallaby bounced energetically past him. "I didn't know half of these animals could even be sold as pets. Legally, at least." He paused thoughtfully. "I think a pet wallaby would do Ginny some good."

"Yes, good for Ginny," Hermione laughed. "I don't think the poor thing would be able to keep up with her."

Harry rolled his eyes, but couldn't suppress a smile.


Hermione turned swiftly in the direction of the counter, where a dark-haired, smoky-eyed, and rather bored-looking woman suddenly appeared, dressed all in black.

"Pardon me?" Hermione asked.

"The wallaby. His name is Fiddlesticks. And he is not for sale," the woman said tonelessly, her eyes following Harry as he bounded after the tiny kangaroo.

"Harry, stop chasing Fiddlesticks!" Hermione hissed.

"But that little bugger stole my wallet!" he said, outraged, before his look of anger was exchanged for a lopsided grin. "Wow. He's more like Ginny than I thought."

"Yes. Well," the woman interrupted, her eyes moving slowly from Harry back to Hermione. "May I help you?"

"Yes," Hermione said, somewhat put off by the woman's lack of expression. She subtly glanced down at her nametag: Amber.

"Er... Yes, I really just need some cat treats."

"Delightful," Amber said in a monotone, gesturing to the wall behind her, which was covered by a vast array of pet supplies. "Please, take your time to note our wide selection of delicious and healthy treats for animals of any kind or size. Your pet is our prerogative here at Bitzer's."

Hermione's brow furrowed slightly. "Yes, well, thank you, but all I need are-"

"Hermione, I can't talk to this snake!"

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