Chapter 4: Welcome To Germany

Start from the beginning

Oh my god Megan!  

I've been so preoccupied on moving, the funeral, other stuff, that I completely forgot that I'd be able to see her when I go to Germany. I'll have to text her.

I put my shoes that I was originally supposed to wear in my suitcase. It was a struggle but after sitting on it and jumping a couple time, we did it people.

Wanted to do something productive this morning so decided to do some dancing. Because I never usually do that. Recently discovered Rammstein which I feel is quite fitting to listen to right now. 

Popped my pussy to some mutter, rein raus, sonne. Really feeling the German-landia spirit.

Really liking rein raus right now. No idea what it means but hey ho. 

After I finished shaking some ass, I went downstairs to see if the kraken is awake.

She's sleeping on this camping chair that is temporally in the living room until we leave, looking so peaceful. So I poke her.

I poke her a bunch of times until she finally wakes up. She got a bit spooked though, so she jumped up mega fast then kicked me in the shin. 

I flew back landing on my batty, which already hurt from all that shaking I was doing. 

This woman has issues. Does Pete hit her? *queue friends by chase atlantic

She rubbed her eyes "honey, I'm so sorry"

"What's getting you spooked like that" I said a little concerned. Only a little bit, because she's a whole grown woman , she doesn't need a kid getting worried for her. 

"Aha- *cough* just a bad dream" she just watched me get up. She looked almost... scared

Of me?

Janis pov:

She doesn't need to know the dream was about her turning me into a flying squirrel and enjoying it. Does she? 

Like that one movie, what is it, oh yeah tusk. Makes my arm hairs stick up.

 Y/n pov:

We just stood at the kitchen island and had breakfast; toast and scrambled eggs. something simple. 

It's 4am now and we have to be at the airport in 2 hours and it takes 1 hour to get there. So that leaves me with 1 hour to text Megan and do whatever I want. I should be a math teacher because that was top tier.  

I took my so smol self upstairs to sit on my, extremely comfortable, one of a kind air mattress. I know you probs wanna know where I got it from but I'm sorry I'm a gate keeper. I'm sorry okay, I really am. At least I admitted it. 

I had my super duper pooper up the ass mr. electric rad gem-ified flip phone teleported to my hand, then I opened it and messaged my main girl MEGANNNN!! Make some noise for ya bishhh.

Me- Heyyy so excited to see you. I know you're probably asleep right now but I was hoping we could meet after you finish school tomorrow, well today x 

Megan- Heyyyyy I was waiting to talk to you in person because I feel like it would be more personal but I'm defiantly coming over to yours after school whether you wanted me there or not!! x

Me- Omg why are you awake isn't it like 5am over there? you have to get up for school in like an hour or two

Megan- Yeah.... I'll probably pretend to be ill 

Me- aha of course you will

Megan- I've got so much to tell you when you get here! x

Me- surprisingly me too x

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