He sighed, turning to face me. "They were going to die anyway. A shipment of these things arrived and the others were taking up space." Looking aound the beds, he seemed to be enjoying himself.

Felix was a monster and I no longer regarded him as human. He was evil, utter scum and I was done being nice to him.

"Fuck you."

"You better get to work, the next batch are waiting for the beds."

With tears streaming down my cheeks, I walked over to the other side of the room to get as much space between Felix and I as I could.

I looked at my first patient, taking his hand in mine.

"I'm so sorry. They'll pay for what they're doing, for what they've done, I'll make sure of it."

I repeated myself, over and over again to each patient. My tears eventually dried up and my sadness slowly turned to anger.

It wasn't long before the patients were sent away, a new batch taking up the beds before Felix and I began hooking up the fluids again.

I kept my distance from Felix, staying at opposite sides of the room and I dropped to the floor as the buzzing in my ears became unbearable.

It lasted mere seconds, only to be replaced by a voice.

Don't tell him you can hear a voice in your head. I'll explain everything when he thinks you're ok.

Woahh. What the fuck?

"Daisy, are you ok?" Felix appeared by my side.

"I, um. Yeah, sorry, I slipped." I lied, wondering why I was now hearing voices in my head.

I'm going mad. I've finally been broken and I'm loosing my mind. God? Is that you?

Felix rolled his eyes at me and walked away in a huff.

Are you alright? My name is Kai and I've been searching for you since you were abducted.

I blinked, slowly turning my head to scan the room.

I shot Felix a small smile before moving to my first patient.

I'm the guy in the bed right behind you. Don't look at me and don't draw any attention to yourself. Everyone in this room is fine. We know what is happening and we have the ability to control the production of blood in our bodies so they can take as much as they want, they can't hurt us.

My heart was racing as if I'd just ran a marathon.

I can hear your thoughts Daisy. Speak to me in your head but act like everything is normal.

Ok, here goes.

Um, hi. Listen, if I'm talking to an imaginary friend then back off. I'm not your friend anymore, you're making me feel like a looney!

Daisy, this is real. The person you're stood next to is going to open her eyes. She's my sister, her name is Kiara. We are here to help you and put an end to the Gladarian's barbaric ways.

I positioned myself so that Felix couldn't see Kiara's face and she opened her eyes briefly. A small smile graced her lips and I instantly came alive.

Do what you need to do and don't tell anyone. That guy over there isn't human either. He's one of the Gladar monsters, I can feel it.

I knew it! He was nice when we met but after a billion questions he stopped talking to me. It makes so much sense now.

How are we going to escape? This ship is loaded with Gladarians. I'm not sure how many but there are alot.

Don't worry, we can handle it. Why do you think we're letting them take as many of us as possible?

I carried on hooking up fluids until I came to Kai. My heart wanted to burst out of my chest and when he opened his eyes, it was as if fireworks had erupted in my stomach.

My hand grazed his arm and it felt electric. My whole body tingled, even my toes.

What was that?

It's difficult to explain right now. Let's just say that it happens when my species touches their true soul mate for the first time, the person they cannot live without, that one person who connects with them on another level and would die for them.

Then why am I feeling it?

Because you are mine and I am yours. It is rare to have a soul mate of another kind. That buzzing you've been experiencing, that's what we hear when we are close, before we meet.

So you're saying we're soul mates?

Yes Daisy, I am.

This was alot to process. My apparent soul mate from another planet on the other side of the solar system has come to rescue me from alien monsters and he's infiltrated the ship with his kind just for one person?

Now that's cool!

I.. I don't know what to say..

Say nothing. Once we've got you out of here, I'll explain everything properly.

Kai took my hand discretely, giving it a soft squeeze.

Carry on with everything. I'll be going back to the blood machines soon but don't worry, we have a plan and I'll come for you when we're ready, I promise.

Ok. Thank you, Kai.


Hey guys 👋

Shorter chapter this time.

What do you think of Kai? I'd love to know.

Question.. Do you believe in soul mates?

Thanks for reading and if you've gotten this far I appreciate it.

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