I drop to my knees so hard it sends a jolt through my whole system. Colton curses, trying to grab my hair as I violently dry heave. 

Nothing makes it way up other than bile because my nerves had kept me from eating all day. Finally after a few more agony inducing heaves I slump back against Colton and let out a sob. 

"He followed me and I didn't even see him. If I had noticed I could have stopped it. I could have kept Marissa and Jay from getting hurt." I choke out.

"Faye I need you to listen to me," Colton says sternly. "There was nothing you could have done any different. We had no idea Michael even knew you were helping Andy. You cannot blame yourself for what happened. The only person responsible is dead."

I take deep breathes, mulling over Colton's words. It doesn't stop the same thoughts. If I had been more observant that day could have gone so much differently. Maybe even our son wouldn't have been put in as much danger as he was. 

I sigh, pulling myself up along with Colton's help. I quickly rinse my mouth and wash my hands. "I feel hot, it feels hot in here." Colton frowns and places the back of his hand on my flushed face."

"I think its just the anxiety baby." He says. 

A knock on the wall outside the open door has him turning, and I can see Jared standing there.

"Is there anything I can grab her like water? I didn't want to be rude and invade your kitchen."

Colton nods. "There's water bottles in the fridge, and then would you mind grabbing a couple washcloths from the drawer to the right of the sink and running them through cold water?"

Colton asks, leading me back toward the living room. 

"We're so sorry Faye," Jack says. "We'll give you some time, and we can pick this up again any day you want."

I shake my head in disagreement. "No, I need to do this. I'm okay. I just need a couple minutes." I say, sitting back on the sofa and leaning my head against the cushion.

I will the flush of my face and the black spots in my vision to go away as I close my eyes.

I feel a cool rag being placed on my forehead, and then one slid behind my neck.

"Here baby, can you drink some of this?" Colton asks softly, and I nod, taking the water and taking a few sips before handing it back to him.

"I can't believe I had no idea he was fallowing me. He tailed me across the entire hospital." My voice comes out hoarse, from a mixture of the crying and puking. The three men across from me look at my with sympathy, and I'm thankful it's not pity.

"You had no reason to suspect anything. You had no reason to be paranoid. You couldn't have known what was going to happen."

I nod, processing everything. "Will you let us know if you find out how he knew I was helping Andy?"

"Of course, and we just have a few more questions for you, nothing to deep."

I nod, and answer a few more follow up questions.

"Is there any other questions you have Faye?" Colton asks when I finish.

I think for a few moments before my eyes connect with Jack's. "How long were you there before you shot Michael?"

Jack swallows, thinking for a moment. "Our response time to the hospital was about 10 minutes, and it was another 5 before I was in position looking into the lounge. I got there just after the call to negotiate was made. When it was clear he wasn't going to talk to us at all, I was given the all clear to put him down when it was clear. I could see he had you on a couch but the full view of him was blocked. The first clear shot I had is when he pulled you up and threw you on the ground." He says, recalling the event. 

It replays clearly in my head, and I flinch as I swear I feel is blood splattering on me, and his dead eyes looking into mine. 

"I'm sorry we didn't get a chance before that, one where you weren't so close to him." Jack nods grimly. 

I shook my head, "You did what you could, thank you." I choke out. "If he had been given anymore time there is no doubt in my mind he would have killed me."

Colton stiffens beside me, and my heart breaks for him. I can't imagine having to hear this. 

"Well Faye, we've taken up enough of your time. I'm glad to see you're healing well. You'll be the first person we contact if we find out anything else." Jack says, standing with Jared and Alden.

Colton helps me to my feet, and Jack moves to shake my hand. Instead, I pull him into a hug. He seems surprised at first, but quickly hugs me back. 

"You gave our son a chance, thank you." I whisper out.

Jack nods, swallowing and clearing his throat. I can see the tears in his eyes.

"I found out I was going to be a grandfather the day before that day, all I could think of when I saw you was my daughter." Jack quickly wipes his tears, shaking Colton's hand, who also thanks him. I shake the hands of the other two detectives as Jack pulls Colton in and says something. I make a note to ask Colton about it later.

Soon the officers are gone, and the house feels too quiet. 

"Do you think you could eat something Faye?" Colton asks, his eyes scanning me. "Then I could take you back upstairs to rest."

I shrug. "I think I've spent enough time locked away in my own self-loathing. Do you think we could watch a show or movie and eat popcorn and chocolate?" I ask.

He grins, pulling me in for a soft kiss. "You could ask for the moon and I would give it to you."

I chuckle as he leads me to the couch before making his way to the kitchen. I scroll through moves on Netflix as he returns with the popcorn and chocolate, and for the first time in what feels like forever I'm actually hungry.

Colton sits down next to me, pulling me into his side. 

"Before I forget, what did Jack say to you?" I ask, munching on my M&M's.

He swallows his popcorn before speaking. "He told me he could see me blaming myself, thinking of different ways I could have protected you. He said that there was nothing I could have done, and my only duty now is to love and take care of the both of you. He said it will take time, but we'll heal, and our baby boy is a blessing." Colton is choking on his tears as he finishes, and a few make their way back to my eyes. 

"I owe that man my life." I whisper.

Colton clears his throat, "I do too, I wouldn't have survived life without you or our baby boy. There would have been nothing left for me Faye, because the both of you are it."

I choke out a sob, trying to push myself further into Colton's side as if it were possible.

We spend the rest of the day curled up on the couch together, and for the first time in days I feel like I can see the other side. We survived, and its time to start living again.

The Doctor, The Billionaire, The BabyWhere stories live. Discover now