40. Emotions (2)

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"I missed you more, Olivia. You're all I could think about in Santorini," his words, calm and sincere, warmed my heart. At that moment, I wished time could freeze. I yearned to be in Logan's embrace, ceaselessly. His eyes held a blend of emotions that I hadn't seen before. I took in the features of his face – his thick eyebrows, long lashes, pointed nose, full lips... My gaze lingered on his lips, and an intense desire began to grow, accompanied by a weakening in my legs.

Our faces drew closer, the gap between us shrinking. I closed my eyes and clung to Logan's shirt. His lips tenderly met mine. Initially, my body tensed, overwhelmed by the sensations. But before long, I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

Logan's hand settled around my waist, while the other cupped my face. The taste of his lips on mine was intoxicating, a drug for my senses. My mind emptied, fixated solely on the present moment. The kiss started gently, then Logan deepened it, the urgency intensifying. I didn't pull away; I didn't want to. I wanted to savor every second, to feel him against me, to have his lips explore every inch of my being. I longed for my body to belong to him. Logan sucked on my lower lip, playfully nipping at it, which earned a smile from me, even within the kiss. We remained locked in this embrace, our moans of passion filling the room.

Both my arms remained secured around his neck, fearful that the moment might end abruptly. It was clear Logan felt the same sentiment, by the way he held me tightly, as if he feared I might vanish. If only he knew how much he meant to me. Eventually, we broke the kiss, our breaths merging. Logan rested his forehead against mine, and I kept my eyes shut.

"Look at me," he rasped. Slowly, I opened my eyes, meeting his gaze. His eyes still shimmered with emotion, and a smile involuntarily appeared on my lips. "I missed this smile so much."

But reality crashed back, and I pulled away abruptly, surprising Logan. I should have been angry at him. Despite the recent kiss, my anger still burned within me. I settled at the edge of my bed, avoiding his gaze. I didn't care that our lips had just touched; my fury remained.

"What's wrong?" The bed dipped as Logan sat next to me. I didn't respond.

"Olivia," he called, his voice tinged with concern. I bit my lip to suppress a smile; he sounded almost like a child seeking forgiveness.

"Damn! You're testing my patience, woman!" he exclaimed, cupping my face in his hands. I couldn't help but suppress a laugh. Was he seriously pouting?

I teased, "You should see yourself in the mirror. You look like a little kid who's had his cookies stolen." I chuckled as he shot me a mock glare.

"Who knows, maybe you were the one who stole my cookies," he retorted, making my eyes widen. "Me? Do you think I knew you as a kid? No, I didn't. So don't blame me," I babbled, pouting this time.

"Olivia," Logan called in a tone I'd never heard from him. My body weakened as I gazed at his eyes. He reached for my hands, holding them in his, his touch as warm and reassuring as ever. "Yes, Logan," I responded, captivated by his seriousness.

"I'm sorry you had to endure all of that from my family," he confessed, his voice tender and apologetic.


"Allow me to finish," I nodded, urging him to continue. His words held a weight of sincerity that resonated with my heart. "I know none of this would have happened if I hadn't brought you to this house. Your heart is pure kindness, and I'm ashamed to even look at you right now. I had planned to reveal everything to the family today, but I never expected things to unfold like this. I'm truly sorry that you had to bear all of this alone." Tears welled up in my eyes, a mixture of pregnancy hormones and the raw emotion in Logan's voice.

I wasn't sure if it was the hormones or the new side he was showing, but I felt a strong urge to comfort him. He carried so many hidden scars within his heart, wounds he was afraid to expose. I moved closer to him, gently cupping his face in my hands and meeting his gaze. His eyes held a depth of emotions that tugged at my heart. "Don't be ashamed to look at me. From now on, you and I are in this together. It doesn't matter if your family doesn't accept me. What matters is right here," I placed my hands over his heart, feeling its rhythm beneath my palms.

"Allow me to crawl inside here, Logan," I whispered, my voice barely audible even to myself. "Let me in, Logan," I repeated, my words a plea.

His eyes seemed to dilute with a mixture of emotions. "Fuck everything. You're mine!" His lips crashed onto mine, this kiss more intense and passionate than the previous ones.


I drew open the curtain blinds, inviting the morning sunlight to fill the room. A gentle breeze wafted in through the window, sending a shiver down my spine. A smile tugged at my lips as I reminisced about last night. What could I call it? A night of confessions? A night between two lovers? Perhaps I was indulging in a bit of exaggeration. Logan and I didn't exactly share a steamy night together, but the time spent was priceless. When he uttered the words "You're mine," I felt like I was floating on air. I almost lost my composure, tempted to ask him to spend the night with me in a more intimate manner.

Well, at least things weren't going to be awkward between us anymore. While the family might not be thrilled about the newest addition to their ranks, I was determined to pursue my own happiness. I had my baby and now Logan. With that content smile playing on my lips, I picked up my bag, ready to begin the day. I want to make some changes to the clinic. The arrangements. Maybe I could get new furnitures. My account balance will do most of the talking but it won't be bad to have something new once in a while.

"Good morning," I greeted Amelia as I settled into my usual seat. I chose to be open and cordial, as there was no point in holding grudges. Amelia offered a smile, although it didn't quite reach her eyes. It didn't bother me much. As for Logan's stepmother, she seemed mostly indifferent. Soon, the rest of the family joined the table, including Logan.

The glances exchanged between Logan and me held a knowing understanding. Having his support was what truly mattered. Throughout breakfast, no words were spoken. Tension hung in the air, palpable yet unspoken. Mr. Nero was the first to excuse himself from the table, followed by the rest of us. I did the same after finishing my meal, making sure not a single morsel was left. I had a feeling I would need an extra snack on my way to the clinic. Somehow, boiled potatoes and scrambled eggs didn't quite satiate my appetite. But who was I to complain? After all, someone had gone through the effort of preparing breakfast.

"Let me drop you off," Logan's voice whispered right behind my ear as I walked outside. He strolled past me and headed to his car, and I couldn't help but blush at the warmth in his voice.

"I can go by myself, you know," I teased as I hopped into the car.

"Are you trying to tempt me or something?" he replied, his eyes squinting playfully. I chuckled and placed my bag on the back seat.

"I wouldn't dare, Mr. Logan. I fear the look in your eyes," I retorted. His lips curved into a smile, and I found myself catching my breath as he leaned closer. The memories of last night flashed before me, and my heart raced. I swallowed hard, anticipating his next move. "Your seatbelt," he said, and I blinked, taken by surprise. I had thought he was about to...

I hastily fastened my seatbelt, then stared straight ahead, clearing my throat to ease my nerves. Yet, Logan remained close, not moving back to his own seat. "Why are you looking at me?" I muttered without meeting his gaze, but I could feel his eyes on me from the corner of my vision. Damn it, why was I feeling so nervous?

"You seem nervous," he remarked.

"Me? Why would I be?" I began to say, but my words were cut off as Logan's lips pressed hotly against mine. It was a brief, unexpected kiss that left me momentarily stunned. Logan withdrew quickly, leaving me blinking in surprise. "Your lips are tempting me this morning," he whispered, his thumb lightly brushing over my lips. I'm definitely going to lose my shits today. Most definitely.

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