36. Decisions in the shadow

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Seeing the live scan of my baby before my eyes brought all shades of emotions to my heart. Seeing the life of another person inside me made me feel overwhelmed. I didn't try to hide away my tears from the doctor. "As you can see, your baby is living inside you pretty fine," she said with a smile as she rolled the tissue over my visible baby bump.

I lifted my body on the bed to a standing position. My vision turned blurry as I found myself staring at the screen before me. "Is that my baby?" I cracked out, still in disbelief.

"Yes. That's your baby. I will print the photo scan for you. I'm sure you will need it," she said, proceeding to take her seat. I followed suit. This time around, I was careful with my steps. I didn't want any slight movement that would harm my baby.

I grabbed my seat facing the doctor while sniffing my tears. "I'm sorry for getting too emotional," I apologized.

The doctor shook her head. "It's a normal thing. We doctors are used to it. If we get easily swayed, we won't be able to do our jobs. I'm glad you are taking care of your health. But I still need to address some issues." The way she leaned forward and fixated her eyes on me made it clear that whatever she was going to say would be serious, and I wasn't sure whether I was prepared for it.

"It's about your partner," she said. The words dropped in my chest like a stone. I had expected that. "You have been the only one coming to the hospital for checkups, which weren't that consistent. This is an important stage where you need full support from your partner or anyone responsible for the pregnancy."

How do I tell her that I have no idea how to go about it? How do I tell her that Logan is busy with his affairs, and he has no time to follow me around to the hospital? Even if he did, he wouldn't want anything that could harm his reputation in any way. Should I blame him for that? Should I force him to go by my book?

I managed to force out a smile before taking a deep breath. "He's supporting me in every way. It's just that he's too busy to tag along."

I'm sure the way I said that didn't sit well with the doctor. Her eyes didn't waver from staring at me. "You shouldn't try to defend him. If he's really supportive like you said, I should be able to see that on your face. I'm not a mind reader, but I know what pregnancy does to women, especially to women like you who are fragile. Anyways, I'm glad you and the baby's health are in perfect condition."

"Thank you, Doctor," I answered, cracking a more serious smile this time around.

Her eyes squinted at me. "Don't thank me yet. I want you to come with your partner next time. And you should come on the date of the appointment. You haven't been sticking to it."

I nodded my head in agreement, even though I wasn't sure whether coming with Logan would be possible. But then again, I hadn't told him about the doctor wanting to see him. I shouldn't blame him that fast. I know if I asked, he'd probably tag along.

"How did it go?" Jamie asked as I exited the elevator. She had stayed behind in the waiting room for me. She didn't follow me to the doctor's office, knowing I might see her and get emotional. In the end, I still cried in the doctor's office. That was how emotional pregnancy gets me.

I flashed her a smile. "It's normal. The doctor gave me a photo scan of the baby." I handed her the white envelope.

"Oh my god. Look at your tiny baby, Olivia," she cried out, pulling me in for a hug. "I'm so happy for you," she uttered, patting me on my back.

"I'm fine. This is it," I said as we pulled away. Jamie stared at me with a sad look. "Stop looking at me that way," I warned, snatching the photo, sliding it back inside the envelope, and tucking it into my bag.

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