"Other than Daniel basically exploding, tonight was really fun." 

"Yeah but, I'm still worried about Brooke." She shrugs. "I guess the whole, food fight thing gave her a little something to think about other than her boyfriend breaking up with her in front of the whole school."

"I think it was more of a mutual agreement." Alex opens the clubhouse door.

"Yeah, I guess it kinda was." She smiles. "Still, I hope she's okay."

"One things for sure, practice is going to be weird when Daniel gets back." Alex says.

"Oh for sure, look out you might be the next one in a boot." She teases. 

"I wouldn't put it past him honestly." He says while Kiara got a notification on her Louie. 

"Oh, oh okay, hey I gotta run." She says reading the message.

"Is it Brooke?" He asks. 

"No I just need to go talk to someone for a second. I'll see you tomorrow?" She walks back towards the door

"Whoa, whoa, wait you want me to come with you?" He follows her.

"No, I should go by myself. Don't worry it's not far." She shrugs him off. "Just down stairs."

"Well you want me to wait for you to get back?" He asks. 

"You don't gotta, it'll just be a few minutes. Thanks for tonight, I had fun. See you tomorrow?" And with that she was out the door.


"Hey Sophie." Alex sits down with Sophie at a table in the clubhouse the next morning. "You seen Kia?"

"No I thought she was with you?" She shrugs. 

"Well I was going to meet her the gym this morning, but she wasn't there." Alex says, "Last time she didn't show up she and Brooke almost got attacked by a crazy person."

"Well, Brookes over there." Sophie points across the room. "I haven't seen Kia all morning though. Whatever is going on it's not you, if thats what you're getting at. Kia had so much fun with you last night I just know it."

"It's not- I mean it is that. I want to make sure she's okay before I worry if I'm the problem or not." Alex says while Brooke slides into a chair at their table.

"Hey have you guys talked to Kia this morning?" She asks.

"No, have you seen her though?" Sophie questions, Brooke just nods her head.

"Yeah I saw her but she was acting, weird." Brooke answers.

"Weird how?" Alex asks.

"She was eating breakfast alone, I was surprised she wasn't with you Alex, but I was going to go sit with her, she looked kinda down, but then Daniel and his mom walked in and she got up an left."

 "Okay now I'm worried to." Sophie sighs. "I mean I don't think everything that happened before the food fight would knock her down that much."

"Yeah I don't think it was that either. She was really concerned about you Brooke before she ran off." Alex agrees with her.

"She ran off?" Brook asks.

"Yeah, Kia and I walked back up here after last night, and we were going to head to bed, but she got a message on her Louie and ran out, I offered to go with her but she insisted she'd be fine on her own."

"She didn't say where she was going?" Sophie asks. 

"No, she literally ran out the door before I could ask." Alex answers. "Now I really wish I had gone with her. I'm going to go looking for her." 

"No it's okay, I'll go. She is one of my Eagles after all." Sophies says getting up and leaving Alex and Brooke.

"I'm really sorry about you and Daniel." Alex says. "I feel like it was all my fault."

"Don't blame yourself. Daniel and I had been growing apart long before you came here. Same with Kia and Daniel."

"Really?" He asks.

"Yeah those two were as close if not closer than Parker and Daniel are now." She answers. "They both started to fight and disagree a lot more before you came here, and he's too stubborn and full of pride to take responsibility for his own actions, and I'm done cleaning up after his mess. I'm not his mother."

"His mother?"

"What about her?" She asks him. 

"Daniels mother. I saw her last night." He turned and looked out the window.


"Right over there." He nods his head towards the window. "Towards the path that led down to where you and Kiara ran into the missing park ranger. I was with Hayley. We were so busy talking about that Aspen girl, I didn't think anything of it at first. But, yeah, we saw her there last night."

"Also in the same spot I saw Marcus disappear." Brooke adds. 

"And, it was right before Kia disappeared from the dance. I mean she came back but she vanished with not warning or explanation, and Sophie said Kia ran out from breakfast after seeing Daniel and his mom." Alex says quietly, not allowing anyone else in the clubhouse to hear. "Do you think there's a connection?"

"Well, it all started when Daniel found the park rangers taser." Brooke reminds him. 

"Okay, well... even if Judy was responsible for getting Daniel off the hook, It still doesn't explain why she was there, or anything that happened with Kia."

"Unless she knew about the park ranger the whole time." Brooke whispered. 

"Wait what?"

"What if she's not protecting Daniel, what if she's protecting herself?" She suggests. "This has to be it."

"Should we tell your dad?" He asks. 

"He adores Judy. He would never believe that she could do anything wrong." Brooke shook her head, "What about your dad?"

"He just got his job back. I can't drag him into this." Alex sighs. "But I do know who we can call. The FBI agent that was there after you and Kia saw the park ranger, Eric. He's my dads best friend, I know I can trust him."

"Yeah let's do it." Brooke nods. "And thank you for believing me."


"Thank you for coming on such short notice." Alex says as he and Brooke sat down with Eric. 

"Of course, you know you're like a son to me right?" Eric says. "It's a good thing you called, though."

"So what know?" Alex asks. 

"First of all, does anyone else know about this situation." Eric asks while both teenagers shook their heads. "Good, you both have to be very discreet until we know more. Brooke would you mins coming with me to the station? We can take your deposition?"

"Sure, okay." She agrees.

"And maybe, we can make a quick stop before that. There's something I think you should see." He adds.

"I'll let you know if I hear anything from Kia, okay?" Alex says as Brooke stood to follow Eric.

"Sounds good."

Traitor - Alex Woods - Greenhouse Academy (Seasons 1 and 2 completed)Where stories live. Discover now