Things Fall Apart

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The first time YN's trust was ever broken was at 11 years old. She had barely spent a month at Isla Nublar but she was already a part of the Jurassic family. Everyone cared for her and her for them. The adults would wave at her whenever they saw her, pamper her with gifts and food, show her their dinosaurs and flaunt their knowledge. YN, though she knew and had everything she wanted, would always be excited to meet and spend time with these people, and no matter how nonsensical or impossible what they said was, she would always listen with wide eyes attentively.

Why? Because it was who she was. It was her nature to be trusting and kind. It was what made her beautiful, what everyone loved her for.

But, as with every good thing, there's always a dark side. While these pamperers of YN thought that her innocent nature was perfect, there were those who found her naive, and took advantage of her for that.

Vic Hoskins was one of these people.

The first time they met was a week after our beloved YN stepped foot on Isla Nublar. Then, she had greeted him politely, beaming trustingly at the man. Vic, at that time, had played the role of the kind, sweet uncle perfectly. Yet, as the days and weeks passed by, he, too calculated the ways of which he could manipulate this sweet innocent child, how he could turn her loving and believing nature into an advantage for him. You see, Vic's goal, was to make weapons. Deadly and lethal weapons that could help the whole world. Or so he thought.

And because of that goal, Vic had planted ideas into the head of Dr Henry Wu, the man behind the living fossils that now roamed the grazing plains of Isla Nublar. Why if the combining of dinosaurs and humans was possible. Think of the possibilities! Imagine, a world of cross breeded humans, they'd be deadly, trained to kill at command. Wasn't it a fantastic idea? These were the words he planted into the doctor's head. And the doctor, despite his genius and intellect, had so foolishly agreed and proceeded to research om those possibilities.

Now, all Vic needed was a guinea pig. Someone to prove that it was possible. For who would believe such impossible words, without results. And to Vic, one person was perfect for the job.

Little YN Grady.

So naive and weak in his eyes, he thought he'd be doing her a favour. So, he called the little girl to help him, sating that only she could do so. And YN from the bottom of her heart, so deeply wanted to help that she didn't ask what she needed to do. She put her complete and full trust in the two men. And it cost her the worst thing possible.

Her trust.

Even though the experiment was a success, YN was officially the first human dinosaur hybrid in the whole world. It was an accomplishment that would go down in history. Many would see it as a beautiful achievement that you could boast about. Something that you would be proud of.

But that was the furthers from what Dr Wu truly felt. For once, the very first time in his life, the doctor felt guilt, regret, anguish at his own actions.

His actions and his alone, had caused the misery and suffering of the 11 year old. YN had gone 'rabid', you could say. Her pupils were slits, barely visible ebony curves in her Y/E/C eyes. Her nails, once short and incapable of any harm, were now stiff, curved claws and her teeth were jagged and mismatched, gnashed together as the victim had to manage her newfound strength. And the pain that accompanied it. It was driving her insane, the voice in her head roared for her to kill, indulge in her revenge against those who did this to her.

Yet as teeth tore skin, as claws raked flesh. As the screams of the lab assistants echoed through the tiny room and everyone watched the girl with fearful respect. Even though the vengeful screams coaxed her to relish it, YN couldn't feel it. The screams and begging were the worst thing she had ever heard.

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