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  The words rang out. My raptors widened at the sudden command and their eyes narrowed in anger. Blue tilted her head to the side in confusion and recognition. Echo hissed and flexes her claws at me. I whipped my head and pinned her with my stare, "Echo, don't even try." She hissed and spat but didn't proceed. Meanwhile, Delta and Charlie spread out to both my sides and I barked out at them, "Delta, Charlie, don't give me that shit. I see you, stay where you are!" They hissed but stepped back slowly.

  I felt Darius and Kenji stare in awe. "She's so cool..." Kenji breathed. Darius stepped back and said, "Of course! She works with them on a daily basis. Now quit gawking and help me find a way out!" I snorted in amusement and brought my gaze to Blue, who had calmed down and seemed to recognise me.

  "Beta?" She questioned in raptor and I nodded. Bringing my hands forward, I rested them on her snout and hummed quietly. " recognise me. Smart girl." Blue chattered cutely as I stroked her neck. Suddenly, lights glittered to life, glaring strongly at the raptors. They raised their claws and shielded their faces, hissing with shock.

  Slabs of meat rained from the sky and Roxie's voice resounded through the fake terrain. "COME AND GET IT!" Charlie, Delta and Echo raced off, snapping at the falling pieces of meat. I watched them snatch the meat off the ground and devour it. Blue chattered quietly at me, nuzzling against my chest. I shook my head, tears pricking my eyes.

  "I have to go. Take care of them and my brother for me please." I whispered into her ear. Blue tilted her head and her eyes softened, growling reassuringly, she dipped her head ever so slightly. Metal clashed as Dave dragged Kenji and Darius out of the pen and the fence fell. I planted a quick kiss onto Blue's snout and sped off, rolling under the falling fence just as it slammed to the ground. My breath was knocked out of me and I panted heavily. Standing up, I caught my breath and dusted my top off. Darius, Dave and Kenji all rushed towards me.

  "YN that was awesome. How did you do that???" Darius asked with excitement, seeming to have forgotten that he had just escaped a life threatening incident. I glanced at Blue who was staring at the three males around me with hatred as she flexed her claws. I turned back and opened my mouth to reply him but Dave just waved it off, "Oh that's standard procedure Darius. We do that kind of stuff all the time. Excuse me" He would have seemed pretty cool if he hadn't leant over the opposite side immediately, retching before I heard the splattering of vomit against the ground. I winced at the sour stench and took a step back. Straight into Kenji. I glared upwards where he met my stare with a cocky expression. I stumbled forward and shook my head, blushing slightly. Damn it, I cursed myself, Get yourself together YN! Luckily, my reveal of emotion was seemingly forgotten when Roxie ran up to us and practically tackled Dave, who had just finished vomiting. She glanced up and down at him in concern, "Are you guys okay? Are you hurt?" I shook my head while Kenji tried and failed to sneak away from Roxie's wrath. She clasped a palm around his shoulder and asked, "Hold on, where do you think you're going? You, Darius and YN are in big trouble!" Darius gasped in horror and protested, " But!" Roxie wasn't having any excuses, "Save it! Well decide what to do with you later, if you even get to stay here after a stunt like that...."

  I gulped with fear as they ushered as back into a jeep and sped off back to the camp, leaving Blue in the distance...

  After several minutes, we made it back to the camp where Brooklyn was brought into a different rook than me and the boys. Darius and I sat tensely on the sofa while Kenji was being his usual laid back, carefree self, popping his lips to make annoying sounds. They rang in my ear and I clenched my teeth in annoyance before reeling in on him, "How could you do something so stupid????" He was unfazed and droned on, " I do a lot of stupid things, so you're going to have to be more specific than that." I scoffed and crossed my arms, "Of course you do."

We'll Find A Way ( Camp Cretaceous Kenji x reader )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ