Cattle Drive

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Night had fallen. Crickets chirped a sweet humming melody, and the dinosaurs roared along, bellowing in the distance. Seven campers sat around a crackling campfire, each of them sitting on the edge of their seats in anticipation. Three baby raptors scuffled around, tumbling beside a Y/H/C girl.

We sat on edge as Darius leaned forward, his eyes darting towards us. I felt myself inching towards my raptors, and we arched in excitement at his story.

  "We thought it'd be fun..."

  "We thought we'd be safe but...we didn't realise the horror waiting for us on the island."



  "Screaming... so much screaming."

  Ben clung to Kenji in fear, his arms wrapped around Kenjis left arm. I felt relief that I wasn't directly next to him and that Kenji was between the both of us. I snorted as Ben curled further towards Kenji and asked, "How much screaming?" Kenji shushed him, "He's getting to the good part!"

  Darius continued, "The T rex stalked closer. Her jaws opened wide -" Just as he neared the climax, a flash burned through the night, and I snapped out of my excited trance in alarm. Thank goodness it was only Brooklyn's phone. She looked up from the screen and waved her hand, "For the vlog," she explained, "Keep telling your little story." Darius sighed and hooked his yellow hoodie over his head once again. Kenji rubbed his palms with glee. Darius started once again, " The T rex sta-" "Dang! Out of space. Wait, I'm sorry. I just don't wanna delete my selfie on Mt Everest." She leaned towards me, and I peered at the screen, gasping in awe and giving a thumbs up, and I stroked my raptors, who had settled down and curled together and snuggled on my lap. My hand stroked their backs, savouring their soft baby scales. Several days had passed since I first got them, and as I suspected, Lumi had established herself as the Beta of the pack, and my position as Alpha was pretty set in stone. Darius shook his head in dismay, "Maybe I should start over?" Ben shrieked in horror at that, "NO! In fact, you can just stop!" Kenji rolled his eyes to the ebony skies as he told Ben, "Dude, chill! He's not even telling the story right now, and HOW IS YOUR GRIP THIS STRONG?!" I gleefully stared at Kenji and mocked, "Aww... is big strong Kenji being overpowered by poor meek Ben? However, could that be???" I tapped my chin as though I was pondering over the world's biggest mystery. Kenji huffed in outrage and squawked, "Of course not!" Sammy turned to us and questioned, "Shouldn't we call Yasmina over. I bet she'd love this story! "Maybe she just wants to be by herself?" I offered, but Sammy seemed to be unable to process that fact. "You know how sometimes people just want to be left alone?" Kenji stated bluntly as he failed once again to yank his hand free from Ben's monstrous grip. Sammy chuckled and said, " Kenji, you're hilarious. I bet she's just shy and doesn't know how to make camp friends!" Sammy got up to strut over to where Yasmina was huddled by herself at the balcony. However, thunder roared and lightning flashed as rain poured and leaked from the dark skies. We leapt up in alarm, my raptors jolted from their peaceful sleep, and we dashed towards the shelter. "We should go inside!" I called out to everyone, and Ben zipped past me and screeched, "Way ahead of you!" The raptors followed suit, squeaking at the torrential water falling upon us, and the rest of us followed suit. I shook my head, and my Y/H/C hair hanged in clumps around my face, water dripping in a constant pattern with a splattering sound. I felt a gnawing at my ankle, and I peered down, where Jenn was gripping my boot between her teeth. Having been waking up unexpectedly, the raptors were now whining and complaining and trying to find a way to pass time before sleep lulled them once again. Sighing, I leaned down and pried Jenn's small teeth out of my shoe and made my way to where Kenji, Ben, Darius, and Brooklyn were. They were bickering, something that did not surprise me anymore, and I leaned to the side of a nearby wooden table. I dug my hand into my pocket and brought out small bits of meat, tossing them swiftly at Lumi, Jenn, and Kami, who gripped them between tiny teeth and swallowed with glee. Put of the corner of my eye, I saw Sammy hounding poor Yasmina, who just wanted to be left alone. I shook my head and smirked to myself. Some part of me knew they would be great friends sooner or later.

We'll Find A Way ( Camp Cretaceous Kenji x reader )Where stories live. Discover now