Cherished Moments

Start from the beginning

Damian sat at the kitchen table, munching on a slice of pizza...with 4 turtles just staring at him from across the table. Leo just watched Damian with a huge smile on his face. Raph stared daggers into Damian's soul. Donne gave him more of a questioning look that said,"How the hell did he recover so fast?"
Mikey...just looked at him because everyone else was.

"Umm sorry but I can't really eat with eyes on me." Damian muttered
"Ohh sorry about that. I was just surprised to see you recovered so fast." Donnie replied.
"Yeah I get that a lot." Damian joked. It was then that Damian's realized that Leo hadn't told his brother's anything about him or their meetings, so he decided to play along.

"I'm Damian by the way."
"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Damian. The name's Mik-HMM?" Mikey was interrupted by Raphael's hand over his mouth.
"You're not freaked out by a bunch of mutants like us?" Raphael asked.
"Why would I be." Damian replied.
"Just curious. Name's Raphael." Raph said, removing his hand from Mikeys mouth.
"Hey! No fair! I wanted to be first. But anyway. Michelangelo here but call me MC Mikey." Mikey added shortly before Raph gave him a slap on the back of the head.
"Donatello. I usually go by Donnie." Donnie added.
Damian turned to Leo, pretending to not know who he is.
"And you, Blue?" Damian asked.
"Ohh uhh I'm Leonardo but call me Leo" Leo stuttered, a small blush rising to his face at the mention of his old nickname.
"Well I'd love to stay and chat but I gotta continue monitoring the Kraang." Donatello added.
"And I gotta continue annoying Donnie WHILE he's monitoring the Kraang." Mikey said as he followed Donnie out.
"I'm gonna go do some training then." Raphael said as he left the room, leaving just Leo and Damian there.

"You didn't tell them?" Damian asked
"Tell them what?" Leo replied.
"That you know me?"
"Well how could I just say that I've been sneaking out to see you."
"They didn't question how you found me?"
"I just told them that you distracted Shredder, which gave me enough time to escape and pick you up after he supposedly 'knocked you out.' I mean how do I explain that you struck him with freaking lightning. I'd sound crazy."
"Fair point. You think they'll catch on?"
"They person I'm worried about is Donnie. He's smart enough to connect the dots."
"Regardless, we gotta come clean soon enough. I have a feeling that Raphael might already be onto us." Damian said.

Unknown to them, just at the entrance of the kitchen door was Raphael, silently listening to their conversation.


Raphael sat in the living room going over the conversation he had just overheard. Leo had been sneaking out regularly to go see this guy? Why though? If he wanted someone to talk to, he had his brothers. What about this 'Damian' made him so special.

"Hey Raph." Donnie called. He had just left his lab.
"Any news on the Kraang?" Raph asked.
"Nothing new." Donnie sighed.
"Hey Donnie?"
"What's up Raph?"
"Has Leo asked you anything weird lately? "
"Well there was this one time he asked about me liking April."
"What'd he ask?"
"He just asked what it felt like to have a crush cuz he was wondering when he'd find someone he'd have a crush on."
"I see..." Raph added before he noticed Damian and Leo walk onto the living room with Mikey.

"Damian bro you're so cool." Mikey said.
"Thanks Mikey. You're pretty cool yourself." Damian replied.
"Score!" Mikey yelled, making Damian's and Leo laugh.
Leo took notice of Raph and Donnie first and decided to greet them.
"Hey guys. What you up to?"
"Well Raph was just asking me abou- MMM?!"
"Nothing much just checking in on Donnie" Raph added with his hand over Donnie's mouth.
"OK... Is there anything good on TV?"
"Space Heroes is on in 10." Donnie added, finally free from Raph's grasp.
"Sweet!" Leonardo exclaimed as he took a seat on the sofa. He waved his hand over to Damian, beckoning him to take a seat next to him. With just a smile, Damian followed him and sat down next to the blue turtle...

20 minutes into the show, Raphael couldn't hold back his curiosity.
"Say, Damian, was it?"
"What's up?"
"I really want to know how a regular guy, managed to survive a blow from the Shredder and live to tell the tale."
"Raph!" Leo called before Damian put his hand infront of his face.
"It's fine Leo. Raph, what exactly do you mean?"
"Shredder's a fighter even Splinter is afraid of. So how is it that a regular guy just happens to be able to distract a trained ninja long enough for Leo to escape?" Raph questioned. Damian just laughed as a response.
"You're smarter than you look, Raph. I guess the cat's outta the bag." Damian looks towards Leo who sighs and just nods.
"I've known Leo for weeks before this. We used to meet up and chat. That's why I wasn't surprised when I met you guys. As for how Leo escaped Shredder, let's just say I'm a special type of person. It'll be better if I show you. Raph can you stand up?" Damian asked.
Intrigued by this, Raphael stood up.
"Alright, I'm gonna face away from you. Whenever you feel like it, I want you to throw your weapon at the back at my head."
"Just trust him Raph." Leo added. Damian turned to face away from Raph. He decided wait 7 seconds before launching his weapon at him. What Raphael wasn't prepared for was when the weapon stopped dead in it's tracks, midair, less than 10 cm from Damian's head. Damian turned around and grabbed the suspended weapon.
"That's not all I can do but I'm a bit exhausted to show the rest so I'll just explain. I'm what most people call an Asgardian. So, as you have seen, I have powers. As for what happened to Shredder, Leo was able to escape because I hit him with lightning and well me and lightning don't mix too well. That explains why I was knocked out." Damian finished as he took a look at the turtle's faces. Leo was unfazed. Raph and Donnie looked shocked and Mikey looked like his brain exploded.
"I know it's a lot to take in but I can guarantee that I'm not lying. Leo can vouch." Damian added.
Hir brothers turned to him and Leo just closed his eyes and nodded.
"Like I said, if it weren't for Damian, I'd be dead." Leo said.

After a minute or two, Raph stood up and walked to towards Damian.
"I don't say this often but... Thanks for saving our brother." Raph extended his hand towards Damian. Damian smiled and took it.
"No worries. He's made too big of an impact in my life for me to let him die." Damian replied, which made Leo turn slightly red. Raph then proceeded to pull Damian into a hug, unexpected for a man of his character.
"You better treat my older brother right or so help me I'll shove my Sai so far up your-" Raph tried saying silently
"RAPH!" Leo called, his face now beet red...

A few hours later, Damian eas preparing to head home. He was sitting in the living room with Leo. Leo wasn't really in the moment. His face was full of sadness at the fact that Damian had to leave so soon. As for Damian, he hated seeing his friend so down so he did what he thought was best to cheer him up. Damian wrapped his right arm around Leo's back and pulled him against his shoulder.
"Cheer up Leo. I've got your number so we can talk at anytime."
"I's just not the same as the real thing, you know?"
"I guess. But hey, remember what I said? Call for me and I'll be there." Damian reassured Leo. Feeling comforted by his words, Leo dropped his head onto Damian's shoulder.

Damian, caught completely off guard by Leo's advance, glowed bright red and he turned away from the sight because it was too cute to handle.
"Oh get a room you two!" Raph called, immediately making Leo and Damian separate with red faces.
An awkward moment later, Damian stood up and headed towards the exit, alongside Leo.

Leo escorted Damian to the surface where they parted ways.
"Until next time! Oh and tell your brothers I said thanks for having me!" Damian called as he turned to make his way home, leaving Leo a smiling mess on the rooftops.

"Dear God, I really like him don't I?" Leo questioned himself as he retreated back to the Lair...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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