The Human Me

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"Liam, Relax. Nothing happened." Damian yawned
"I just find it odd that alien robots appear completely destroyed on the night that you came back later than usual, don't you?"
"Look, even if those robots were trashed, no one was there to see it. It's all good."
"You're nonchalant nature sometimes scares me" Liam shuddered before continuing to eat breakfast with his brother.

That previous night, Leo had gotten little to no sleep. His head was filled with images of the mysterious stranger he met last night. He couldn't describe what he was feeling. His heart raced every time he thought about his eyes or the way his tail subtly wagged or even the way his ears twitched, not to mention...Wait wait wait, what the hell was Leo thinking right now? It was 4 in the morning and he was fawning over some stranger he night never meet again. Leo needed Space to mull over what was going on

He wrote a note and left it on the kitchen table before leaving the lair.
Luckily for Leo, it was 4 am and in a city like New York, no one would be outside, let alone looking at rooftops to notice a lone turtle sitting by a rat exterminator billboard.

Damian, on the other hand, wasn't the  average New Yorker. He had decided that it was perfectly normal to go for a stroll at 4 am, across the city rooftops, AGAIN.
However, his walk was rewarded when he passed by the exact billboard Leonardo was resting at. Before deciding to do anything, Damian ran over the choice of changing into his wolf form so the turtle would recognize him but he decided against it because it was just way more fun this way.

So, in his human form, Damian climbed up the billboard without alerting the turtle and took a seat next to him.

"Needed some space?" Damian asked
"Ye- WHA-" Leo was interrupted by Damian's finger on his lips.
"Shhh you'll wake up all of New York."
"Sorry it's're so calm..."
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"Well don't I freak you out?"
"Believe me, where I come from, You're not the weirdest thing I've seen." Damian smiled at the turtle, which seemed to calm him down.
Leo managed to get a good look at Damian's features and by God, he was attractive. Braided bangs that were tied in a knot at the back of his head. Amber red eyes. Freckles just under each eye with the perfect amount of darkness to them. And to top it all off, the round, slightly tinted glasses he wore that gave him a mysterious vibe.

Leo was entranced by Damian's beauty and didn't realize he had been staring until he was told.

"Hey there. You back with us? You spaced out a bit."
"Uhh yeah sorry. I...spaced out..."
"So what brings you to the isolated rooftops of New York City at this ungodly hour?"

Leo paused for a bit. He wasn't sure if it was OK to just tell a stranger the reason why he was out but something about him was warm and welcoming. He gave off the energy that he'd help, not matter how ridiculous the matter was.

"I...have a question" Leo said
"Oooo I love questions"
"Are relationships meant to be between boy and girl?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well I'm just wondering if it's possible for one guy to like another guy..." Leo said nervously, unable to look Damian in the eyes.
A small smirk snuck it's way on to Damian's lips as he placed his hand on the turtle's cheek and raises his head to look at him.

"Of course it's fine if you like someone of the same gender..." Damian pulled the turtle's face so it was mere centimeters from his own. "...but are you sure you're not confusing romantic feelings for admiration?" Damian smirked. The proximity of their faces seemed to make Leo go haywire, a red shade rapidly flooding his face.

Didn't Expect to Feel this Way (Leonardo X M!OC) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora