The City That Never Sleeps

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"Dad, you can't be serious!"
"Listen, Prince Damian. It's high time you found yourself a suitor for when you take the throne in my place." A loud voice boomed.
"A lovely young lady to sit beside you on the throne, just as I have with your father." A tall woman spoke.

The boy called Damian seethed with anger at his parent's words. The insensitivity and disregard for their sons' feelings drove him over the edge.

"You know what, I'm done. If you need me, I'll be in the human world. I need to get away from all this bullshit." The Prince claimed before storming out of the palace.

"Liam!" The king called.
In response, a tall young man entered the room and fell to his knees.
"Yes, Father?"
"Can you look after young Damian for us. We understand his want for freedom, but please keep him safe,after all, we don't want him losing control in the human realm."

With the nod of a head, Liam exited the building, leaving the King And Queen in the Throne room, contemplating the future of their children.


"All right I think we're done with pat-"
"Woahh. She's...the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. "
Leo followed his brother's gaze until it landed on a red headed female. Leo gazed at her for a good few seconds before the question popped into his head:


Leonardo...has never really understood what made his brother's so attracted to...girls
He had his fair share of pretending to understand whenever his brother's saw a hot girl in a magazine or TV show but Leo was more interested in the male figures of these shows. But he'd never be publicly outward with it, he preferred to keep it to himself, at least until he was ready.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when he saw the girl and her father get rushed by several people who looked the exact same?

He'd figure out that detail later. Saving them came first...

(Meanwhile, on a rooftop not too far away)

Damian was taking his evening stroll across the NYC rooftops. He found the skyline view quite pleasant and he couldn't get enough of it since he got here.

In the distance, the sound of clashing metal and gunfire filled the streets. Eager to sate his curiosity, Damian followed the sound and my oh my did he come across something exciting.

Right before his eyes were four mutant turtles fighting men in suits equipped with blasters. He let out a little chuckle.

"Now this looks like fun." Damian snickered as he took a seat to watch the fight unfold.

He watched the fight for a few minutes before a mischievous idea popped into his head.

He started changing his form. Wolf ears appeared out the top of his head as his hair grew past his shoulders. A tail poked out of the makeshift hole in his jeans that he had poked there prior to leaving his house.

While retaining some human features(only ears and a tail grew), he had completed his transformation and looked at the scene.

"Hurry! They're getting away!" A turtle with a red mask exclaimed, chasing after the van, shortly followed by his brothers.
Damian took this as his opportunity to check out the beaten up quadruplets and jumped down from the rooftop.
Unfortunately for him, he was not as quiet as he would have liked to be...

After Raphael's exclamation, Leo was about to give chase to the runaway van when he heard a thud from the alleyway they just came from. Curiosity getting the better of him, he snuck away from his brother's and back tracked to the alley, the shuffling getting louder as he approached.

He peeked his head around the corner and readied his weapon. As he turned the corner, he came face to face; well face-to-back with the source of the sound. Leo readied his sword and way about to speak before he was cut off...

"Easy there Blue. Watch where you point that thing."
"Stand up and back away from the body." Leo threatened, trying his hardest to be menacing. Damian, however, did nothing but smirk as he followed the turtles order's.

"Now turn around."
"Aye-aye Captain." Damian mocked as he slowly turned around to face the turtles. Damian's eyes widened for a second at the sight of the turtles but they couldn't compare to the size of the turtle's eyes.

In Leo's point of view, he was starstruck. He had never seen such an attractive looking mutant before. He couldn't take his eyes off the half human half wolf figure infront of him. He had been staring so intently, he didn't even realize the blush growing on his face.

"Hello? Earth to Captain?" Damian called snapping Leo out of his trance.
"What are you doing here?" Leo questioned
"Woah woah woah. Mind getting the sword outta my face?"
"Answer my question and I'll think about it." Leo snapped back
"Ya know, you really gotta hold those things a lot tighter." Leo smirked.

Leo blinked and the sword he carried in his hand vanished from sight.

"What the-"
"Looking for this?" Damian smiled as he showed the turtle his sword.
"How did you-" Leo was interrupted by Damian's finger on his lips.
"Magician never reveals his secrets." Damian winked at the turtle. Leo's heart started racing, the reason? He didn't know why.

"GUYS COME SEE THIS. THEY'RE ROBOTS!" A familiar voice calls from down the street. Mikey. Leo turns back to his captured victim to see he walking away. Leo couldn't afford to be held back any longer, especially if he wanted to keep this confrontation a secret. He called out to the retreating figure.

"What's your name?"
"The name's Loki. See ya around cute stuff." The figure jumped to the roof and vanished.
Leo sheathed his swords and ran to his brothers, his mind unable to forget the last thing he had been called by the stranger known as Loki

"Cute stuff...He thinks I'm cute?"

Leo was bound for a restless night as all he could think about was the stranger he had met that day...

Author here! I just want to say that time will moving relatively fast at times. What I mean is I'm Essentially skipping some episodes but I promise you the story's gonna be really good. You'll find out all you need to know about Damian very soon.

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