Something Different

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"It's actually you" Leo trailed off prompting a smile from Damian.
"What happened to your arm?"
"I got a little banged up. You know, saving the city and that." Leo joked which made Damian laugh. God, he had an amazing laugh. Leo could listen to it all day long...

"So what do you need from me, Blue?"
"I...just wanted the company, to be honest."
"Lucky you. I'm a pretty good teddy bear." Damian loved teasing the turtle to get a reaction out of him. He took a seat against a wall and patted the space next to it. Leo understood the sign and sat next to Damian.

"So Blue wh-"
"Leo. Uhhh my name's Leonardo but you can call me Leo." Leo stated, trying his best not to look at Damian.
"OK Leo, what do you want to do?"
"I realized I don't know much about you. So in the short amount of time we have let's get to know each other." Leo quietly trailed off making Damian smile...

"OK so favorite colour?"
"Blue obviously."
"I dunno, I kinda like orange." (Orange is legit my fave colour) Damian said, making Leo stare at him with wide eyes.
"Did I say something wrong?"
"Nono I just thought of something funny"
"Alright alright favorite animal?"
"Hmm probably a dog or a wolf." Leo stated with his finger on his chin.
"Well personally, I like turtles." Damian replied. Leo's eye's widened so much they looked like the were about to take off. Leo's face flushed bright red as he tried to carry on the conversation as best he could, Damian dying of laughter next to him.

"Do-Do you h-have any s-siblings-s? Stop Laughingg" Leo whined, covering his face with his hands. Damian reached out and grasped the turtle's hand, gently pulling it away from his face,"You're adorable when you're embarrassed."

That was it. Leo's heart had to have stopped pumping. He just endured two flirt attacks from the most attractive person he's ever met. Surely there's no way he'd survive this.

From Damian's point of view, Leo looked like a gear in his head had stopped working. As if there was smoke rising from his head.
"Looks like the lights are on but no one's home." Damian snickered before tapping Leonardo in the chest, seemingly snapping him out of whatever just happened to him.

"To answer your question, I do have siblings. 3 brother's and 1 sister and to my luck, I only have to live with 1 of them so far."
"Woah I've got 3 brothers too: Donatello or Donnie; Raphael or Raph; and Michaelangelo or Mikey. Uh sorry I kinda rambled on."
"No no don't worry. You guys seem close."
"Well we do have our ups and downs but deep down we care for each other. " Leo smiled fondly at the thought of his brothers. Damian admired that side of Leo. After some consideration, Damian decided it was time Leo knew.

"Hey Leo? I've got a question."
"Hit me"
"Recently...Have you come across a half human half wolf figure before?"
"Yeah I have...Wait, have you seen him too?"
"Uhh No...but by any chance was his name Loki?"
"Yeah, How'd you...know...wait was that-"
"The one and only." Damian snickered pointing towards the top of his head. Out of the top of his head, two wolf ears popped out of his hair. Leo couldn't even explain how cute it looked on Damian so he tried his hardest to keep his excitement to a minimum.

"You're a mutant?"
"Actually I-"
"Crap it's Raph. I gotta go." Leo whispered
"Yeah me too. My brother's probably looking for me."
"I guess I'll see you around uhhh Loki?"
"Damian. Loki's my little brother." Damian replied with a smile and stuck his tongue out. Leo just chuckled and made his way to Raphael...


Weeks went by with Damian and Leo meeting at least 3 times a week. The duo did nothing but speak to each other strengthening their bond. Leo felt a lot more relatable with Damian since he discovered he was a mutant too. Alongside, Leo's life at home, his life with Damian was pretty damn nice.

It just so happens that his life at home was not so peachy...

"Why do you guys always undermine my orders? Splinter made me leader."
"You just want us to fight how you fight."
"You know what Raph? Since you know so much why don't you lead? "
"Sure thing. I'm sure I can do a better job than you anyway." Raphael called to a leaving Leonardo.

Being the leader of a team was stressful, let alone having members of the team go against you. Truthfully, Leo needed some space. No. He needed Damian.

"Damian if you can hear me. I really need someone to talk to." Leo called to the wind.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you like talking to me." Damian smiled. Despite how Leo was feeling, he managed to squeeze out a small laugh.

"Hey, what's up?"
"My brother's think they're SO smart and can lead the team better than me, so I let him."
"So you came to wittle ow me. I'm touched" Damian added, trying his best to display puppy eyes.

Leo and Damian spent the next few minutes chatting away until something crossed Damian's mind.

"Oh yeah. I forgot to tell you this last time but...I'm not a mutant."
"Wait huh?"
"I'm uhh something you'd call an Asgardian..."
"It'd be better if I showed you."
Damian stood up from his seat and told Leo to stand up with him.

"OK hold out your sword." Damian ordered.
Leo took out his sword and held it out.
"Now drop your sword."

Leo did as he was told and let go of his sword. Only it didn't fall to the ground. It stayed airborne.

"Are you doing that?"
"Yup. Guilty as charged."
"What else can you do?"
"Well, you've already seen me change shape but I can also do this."

Damian held out his palm and a small flame of fire ignited within it.

"You're amazing!" Leo exclaimed, looking like he had stars in his eyes.
Damian, caught completely unaware by Leo's excitement, turned a dark shade of red at Leo's comment. It had been a while since someone made him blush. It was a sure fire sign that Leo was a keeper.

Leo spared a glance at Damian, taking notice of the subtle blush displayed on his face. It gave him comfort for reasons unknown.

"Well well well...Looks like I've caught a turtle..." An ominous female voice spoke. Out of the shadows appeared a girl, clad in ninja armor.
"Who the heck are you?" Leo snapped.
"Name's Karai." The girl snapped her fingers and a legion of ninjas swarmed Damian and Leo.

"I'll lend you a hand." Damian stated as Leo unsheathed his swords.
"Don't kill them!"
"That's half the fun!" Damian sprinted off past Leo, grabbing a ninja by the face and slamming it into the ground, leaving a huge crater in the ground.
"That OK?" Damian joked.
"Were you always that strong?" Leo asked, evading attacks
"Pretty much. I've got a good grasp on the controls."
"Then let's give em hell!" Leo yelled, oblivious to the female ninja stalking up to him
"Not on my watch!" She yelled, thrusting her blade towards Leo's neck.
"Stop." Damian said.
In an instant, Karai's body froze. Midair.
"Must be hard without oxygen huh"
Damian said, staring daggers into Karai.
"Damian, no killing." Leo said.
"Ugh fine. Release."

Karai fell to the ground, gasping for air. She couldn't even see clearly. Before blacking out, the last thing she saw was Damian's retreating back...

"You good there, Leo?"
"Yeah, just a lil shaken up."
"Same here." Damian's phone rang.
"That's my brother. I have to go now." Damian said, pulling his phone out of his pocket.
"Umm yeah. I'll see you later." Leo trailed off. He didn't want Damian to leave so soon.
"Can you maybe st-" Leo was interrupted by a pair of arms wrapping around him. Damian pulled his friend close to his chest and rested his face on his neck. Leo was taken aback by the sudden action and hesitated to return the hug.

"I'll miss you, Leo" Damian muttered before letting go.
"See you around." Damian saluted as he disappeared into the night.
"What did he mean by that?" The question rings through Leo's head as he makes his way back to the Lair...

Didn't Expect to Feel this Way (Leonardo X M!OC) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora