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I woke up in bed alone. I think Lorenzo put me here after I fell asleep. I glanced at the clock and it read six a.m.

I forced myself up into a sitting position and rubbed my hand over my eyes as I made my way into the bathroom to freshen up.

I was in the middle of brushing my teeth when I felt a rush of wetness between my thighs. I already knew what it was but I still muttered prayers as I checked. I cursed when I saw the blood staining the toilet paper.

I put on a pair of panties and rushed out to the pool house.

I have never been here before and I had to stop to admire the cozy cottage like house. I don't know why they call it a pool house; it is an entire estate on its own.

I knocked on the front door and after a few minutes, Evelyn opened the door. If it were another day, I would have psychoanalyzed why her shirt was inside out and why she looked like she had just finished running a marathon, but today, I am on a time sensitive mission.

"Do you have a tampon?" I asked and her eyes widened in shock, "Hurry up Evelyn, I am soaking through my underwear and the last thing I want to do is to wash blood out of my favorite robe."

My words spurred her to action and she rushed back into the house. I tapped my feet anxiously and she returned a while later with a box of tampons and a plastic bag.

"I can always get more later," she began as she pushed the tampons into my hand, "And this is from my secret chocolate stash."

"Thank you," she gave me a small smile and I rushed back into the house.

Thankfully, I didn't leak onto my robe, but I did stain my underwear. I was able to clean up and change into a pair of black sweats and I stole a black shirt from Lorenzo's side of the closet. I didn't want to take it at first, but none of my shirts were comfortable or long enough for me to lazy around in. His shirt falls to my lower thighs and it smells like him so there is the added bonus.

I sat cross legged in the closet eating a snickers bar when I remembered mom's box. I took it out from where I hid it in my sock pile and opened it.

The next letter at the top was "After your wedding." I gingerly opened it.


If you're reading this, you must have been married for at least a week. By now you must have had your wedding night.

I wish I was there to give you the birds and the bees talk and tell you that everything would be okay. I hope you go into your marriage a lot wiser about the topic of sex than I did.

Use protection, be safe. Even if he doesn't want you to, find a way to be safe. Do not let him tie you down with a child.

Children are amazing, but only when they are planned and wanted by both parties.

I love you with everything in my heart, but I wasn't ready to have you. I should have been safer, so please be safe.

Try your best to make the best out of your marriage. It isn't what I would wish for you, but unfortunately it is what life has dealt you.

I love you my sweet girl, always.



When I was done reading I let out a heavy exhale. I thought I would feel lighter after reading, but I only feel more conflicted about everything. Should I listen to mum and be safe or do I do what father wants and have the child?

Forbidden Loyalties (Famiglia Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now