"And why did you lie about that to me?" Gally asks.

"Because, before I could talk to you, Rebecca came to me. She told me she wanted to talk. And"

Newt interrupts her: "What did she do to you, Y/n?"

"She threatened me. She told me not to talk about what I knew to anyone. To keep quiet. So, I would not stand in the way. And she told me to stay away from her, Newt and Minho."

"And then she hurt you?" Gally asks angrily.

"Yes. She first just threatened, with a knife in front of my face. When I asked her what she would do, she brought it to my neck and put some pressure on it. And then I said something and she got angry and made the cut. To show she's not afraid."

"What did you say to her?" Newt asks.

"Something as 'Do you think Minho and Newt are gonna like it if you murder me?' Something like that."

Gally stands up and slams his fist on the railing.
"God, I'm gonna kill her."

"Gally calm down. It's fine now. Now that you two know it. And trust me, I wanted to tell it immediately. But she was keeping an eye on me, and I'm pretty scared."

"I know, Y/n. That's not the problem here, it is that she hurt you. Physically. And she's playing mentally with two of my best friends. Newt and Minho. And Minho doesn't even know yet."

Newt also stands up and stands next to Gally, placing a hand on his back.
"Gally, I know this sucks, but right now, we can't do much about it. We're gonna have to think about how we will fix this. You need to calm down now. Maybe we should try to sleep again. Theres nothing we can do at the moment."

"Fine," Gally snaps. "But Y/n is sleeping here, and not alone. I don't want Rebecca to murder her when everyone is sleeping. If she sees that we're gone."

"Okay, fine by me. Y/n?" Newt says.

"Yeah, okay."

"Who do you want to stay?"

"Newt. I want to talk about something else. We didn't really talk in a long time."

"Fine, goodnight, guys. I'll try not to murder Rebecca on my way back."
And Gally leaves again.

~~Y/n's pov~~

Newt and I are watching how Gally is heading back to the homestead. We are on the top on the treehouse, sitting next to each other.

"So, what do you wanna talk about?" Newt asks me.

"I just want to know how you're doing. Now that you know the truth about Rebecca."

He clears his throat. "No idea."
I can hear in his voice that he's hurt.
We keep quiet for a bit.
Newt needs the time.

I look at him, and I see some tears on his cheek.
"Newt, why are you crying?"

He's having a hard time and presses his index finger and tumb in his eyes to stop more tears from falling.
"God, I hate this."

"What?" I ask. Maybe a stupid question.

"Crying. And someone sees it. And having to talk about it."

"Newt, if you don't want to talk, you don't have to. And I'm gonna ignore the tears. Even though there's nothing wrong with crying."

"Thanks, Y/n. But I can't pretend it's okay when it's not. Not anymore. Not to you."
Newt holds out his hand, like he wants something. But I don't have anything he could ask for, so I just ly my hand in his. And apparently, he wanted that 'cause he takes it and doesn't say anything about it.

Subject A5 & A17 (Maze Runner-Newt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now