Jungkook's fingers curled around the mug, his grip tight as he grappled with the weight of his remorse. He had exchanged the comfort of Taehyung's companionship for a path of vengeance, and the cost had been far greater than he had anticipated.

Despite their seemingly separate lives, the undercurrents of their shared history continued to draw them together. In the hallways of their college, their gazes occasionally collided, a fleeting connection that left them both breathless. Yet, in these stolen glances, they found solace—a silent acknowledgment of the bond that time had failed to erase.

Eunwoo's voice cut through the fog of Taehyung's isolation, his concern ringing clear. "Taehyung, why don't you attend Professor Jungkook's lecture today? It might—"

Taehyung's gaze remained fixed on the distant horizon, his voice a whisper of unspoken agony. "I can't, Eunwoo."

Eunwoo's persistence didn't waver, his eyes filled with the determination of a true friend. "Taehyung, you can't keep avoiding him forever."

A wistful smile tugged at Taehyung's lips, his voice carrying the weight of a longing he couldn't deny. "I know, Eunwoo, but it's just too painful right now."

But something changed.

It was a fateful moment that found Taehyung standing before the entrance to Jungkook's lecture hall—a moment that held the promise of either healing or further heartache.

As the door swung open, Taehyung stepped inside, the weight of his decision palpable. The room held a collective breath, the air charged with the tension that swirled between the two souls whose destinies remained intertwined.

Jungkook's voice, rich with knowledge and a hint of vulnerability, washed over the room as he lectured. The connection between them remained unbroken, a thread of shared memories that transcended the passage of time.

Their gazes met, a silent conversation woven from regret and longing. In that fleeting moment, the barriers that had risen between them seemed to falter, leaving only the raw emotions that had bound them from the beginning.

Taehyung's voice was a quiet plea, breaking through the silence that held them captive. "Excuse me, Professor Jungkook. May I attend your lecture?"

Jungkook's gaze locked onto Taehyung's, a mixture of surprise and uncertainty in his eyes. His response was laced with a mixture of tenderness and regret. "Of course, please, come in."

As Taehyung found a seat, a tremor of vulnerability ran through him. The eyes of the entire class were upon him, but he was oblivious to their scrutiny. His attention remained fixed on Jungkook, the man whose presence had once ignited his world with passion and promise.

Jungkook's voice, once a source of knowledge, now held an unspoken confession—a confession that remained trapped within the confines of his heart. The weight of his guilt bore heavily upon him, each word he spoke carrying a silent plea for forgiveness.

As the lecture drew to a close, Taehyung's gaze remained fixed on Jungkook. Their eyes locked, the unspoken words between them a silent promise of the emotions they had yet to unravel.




Chapter 20 : Apologies and jealousy.

The corridors of time stretched on, a relentless march forward that marked the passing of months.

Despite the persistent ticking of the clock, Taehyung's heart remained ensnared in a web of emotions, the barriers he had erected against Jungkook as unyielding as ever.

Healing Hearts And Hidden Truths ✅ (Short Story) || Taekook ff Where stories live. Discover now