Nothing had stirred, not even the drunken man. The lights, however, flickered a bit before returning back to their normal dim yellow light, making it so that she was just barely able to make out the street name.

Grimmauld Place

The name sounded extremely familiar, but she couldn't place it. She stepped a bit closer to the Doctor when she realized that the street gave her the creeps. The whole street was silent, as if it was waiting and watching. Secretiveness hung in the air like a dark cloud and she now knew what the Doctor meant by it wanting to hide something from them.

"Do you feel that?" Emily asked. The air felt like it was buzzing slightly.

The doctor nodded and moved on to apartment number eleven and continued moving his hands along the wall. "There's something here... Something very powerful."

Emily swallowed hard at his words, She knew that his senses were much more heightened and refined. Whatever she was feeling, he must have felt ten times stronger.

His palm brushed over the faded black door without hesitation, and he only stopped when he reached the crack of the building where it met the next apartment.

He looked over his shoulder at her and whispered, "It's here." Before whipping out the sonic screwdriver out of the pocket of his brown coat.

Emily secretly fangirled and leaned in closer as he scanned the wall, the screwdriver lighting up and buzzing as it went.

Suddenly the Sonic screwdriver started blinking wildly and bells and whistles sounded off in protest.

"Ugh!" The Doctor exclaimed as he started hitting it against his palm and it soon stopped and became still again, a bit of smoke rising from it and disappeared into the cold air.

"What happened?" Emily asked concerned.

" I've never seen readings like this. " The Doctor said in awe. " It's something very powerful and forceful. Almost destroyed the screwdriver right in my hands!"

He turned back to the wall, staring in deep concentration. Emily Looked up at the number eleven nailed above the door, one of the numbers hung crookedly revealing a bit of rust where it use to sit. Her eyes glanced to her left at apartment ten and then to her right to apartment thirteen.

Her eyes narrowed as she stared at the number thirteen nailed above the door and murmured, "That's strange."

"What is?" The Doctor asked.

"They completely skipped apartment twelve and went to thirteen. The Doctor looked at the numbers as she had done before and turned to her grinning as if she was a genius.

"Not skipped." He said, his voice low as if not wanting any one else to hear, "Hiding."

"There's no way that a whole apartment could be hiding."

"But how to make it appear?" The Doctor mumbled to himself, completely ignoring Emily's comment.

She sighed as uneasiness built up inside her, " Maybe a password or command?"

"YES!" The Doctor said as he clapped his hands and turned toward the door and yelled. "Open!"

"Maybe you have to ask nicely." Emily suggested.

The Doctor rolled his eyes, "It's a wall. It doesn't have feelings."

"Weren't you the one that said not to trust ordinary?" She said with a smirk.

The Doctor sighed dramatically before asking the wall again, "Will you please open?"

Everything remained still and the only thing that could be heard was Emily trying to stifle her laughter, her small shoulders shaking up and down in the failed attempt.

The Adventure of A Curly Haired GirlWhere stories live. Discover now