Recipe for Disaster

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"Juni~... huh? What are you doing?" Atsushi asks, hugging Junichiro from behind as he enters the kitchen.

"Oh!" Junichiro jumps, before turning his head towards his boyfriend. "Cooking!"

"Mhm... Where's the recipe, Juni?" Atsushi adds, waiting for a response. He gets an echoing silence for at least a minute, before Junichiro finally speaks up.

"...Nowhere..?" Junichiro smiles 'innocently'. Tanizaki cooking without a recipe wasn't a new phenomenon, in fact, Atsushi had walked in on the situation numerous times, and each time it ended in a catastrophe. Tanizaki had the memory capacity of sloth: everything could slip his mind if it wasn't about his boyfriend.

"Babe... we both know how much you rely on a recipe..." Atsushi mumbles, ending the hug, and walking to look at whatever abomination his boyfriend was stirring up. A pleasant surprise occurred; not a single mess or something unusual about the cooking set up, was this Junichiro's redemption arc?

"I'm making Yakitori, for us!"

"...Juni..." Atsushi mutters, looking up at Junichiro.


"There's no... chicken...?"

Junichiro pauses. That was the only thing that was absolutely un-changeable in a chicken dish: the chicken. How was he meant to save the dish now!?

"Oh." Junichiro says, beginning to clean up, before Atsushi interrupts.

"Wait, Juni. You don't need to clean up... I think Dazai-san has some leftover chicken in the agency fridge... and he wouldn't mind if I it..?" Atsushi offers, smiling at his boyfriend, holding his hands to stop him from cleaning up.

"W-wait really?" Junichiro says, a smile painting its way across his cheeks. "Thank you Atsu~! I love you..." He finishes, kissing Atsushi's cheek, which, as a result, causes Atsushi to flush peach red.

269 words

TaniAtsu (tanizaki x atsushi) oneshots ⁉️Where stories live. Discover now