24 | Gauri is Nandini?

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An alarmed Shikhandini questioned,"What did she say?!"

Draupadi shrugged and said,"That they are in danger...She sent a letter to Angraj and now is definitely heading to Varnavrat !"

"She heading to where??? VARNAVRAT? ALL ALONE? RIGHT NOW?", squealed Shikhandini in terror... She furiously shouted,"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"
and panicked,"Ashwatthama along with Sindh army is heading towards Kampilya...The entire capital is under high alert and Panchal's Panchali just left without any guards?! I should go behind her..." And rushed towards Gauri..


Gauri was pacing faster towards the exit of palace, her eyes on the chariot, determined to reach Varnavrat..As she was about to exit palace, she heard faint voice of Shikhandini asking her to stop...A voice whispered,"What have you done sakhi? It will have disastrous consequences...We need to talk.." The moment she turned towards the origin of the voice, she found herself standing in front of her Govind...

She shockingly stared around the chamber, the peacock feather art engraved at the bottom of walls, every accessory shining in golden lustre matching with Krishna's radiant face..

Gauri stood still in awe, as if frozen in time, absorbing the abstract mystic beauty around her and completely lost herself into it...

Krishna worriedly said,"You changed the course of time sakhi...The entire destiny's shifting from its original path..Do ya even realise the disastrous consequences of it?!" And stood up..

"Huh woah is this heaven?", questioned Gauri with twinkling wide eyes mesmerized by Dwarka's heavenly architecture...

Krishna coughed,"Ahem ahem" and complained,"Did you just ignore my words sakhi?? No wonder I'm taken for granted by all, even you.." And pouted.. He continued getting a bit restless not paying attention that after his remarks, his sakhi's focus was now on him, a bit panicked and confused,"But on serious note, do you even think before acting? It's outrageous for even Narayana himself...As always, I should have been able to stop you by my powers but I couldn't...THIS TIME I COULDN'T...And because you, the time herself has decided to change the course of destiny, even I'm helpless...At this moment, believe me Panchali, I have no idea what would exactly happen in Varnavrat tomorrow ! And this makes it much more scarier than you or anybody else realise... I'm the preserver of the Universe, yet I let this happen...Since the moment you wiped Jayadrath's existence, the Mahabharata known to mankind changed...And it will continue to change if you don't stop...You own powers you have no idea about and you barely even care but I do sakhi...I do...I can't let innocents pay for your actions...THE FUTURE GENERATIONS..If you try to stop one danger, it won't stop but rather come back, bringing greater disaster..."

"G-govind I j-just-"

"I'm not done yet Panchali...Do you even know who you are? What are your powers? What is your destiny decided by your God parents?! The powers you own? How destructive you can be? And how you have obstructed my path right now because you are determined to correct the wrong done in Mahabharata according to you? Answer me sakhi..."

After listening to Krishna's bitter and harsh questions, Gauri found herself speechless....It was the first time she had ever encountered Krishna's wrath, definitely unexpected from her sakha..

Her voice cracked and could barely reply,"I just didn't want Pandavas to be harmed.." And stared at Krishna with guilty in her eyes..

Draupadi's Twin From Kaliyuga •MAHABHARATA TIME TRAVEL•Where stories live. Discover now