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Death is coming, part two.

GREER SAT ACROSS FROM Lucy and Lockwood, she made Lucy sit with Lockwood cause Lucy and Flo might bite each other, and as much as Greer like to see it, she can't risk that happening.

"Poor Cloughy. He asked me out once." Flo sat, with a drink in her hand "Been drinking, obviously." Flo added before Greer was able to comment "It's not obviously." Lockwood said, "Yes, obviously, he was always drinking. That's how they would have got to him."

"Who?" Lucy asked, "Parasites, Scum." There are so many, Flo wouldn't be able to list it all down in one go "Why didn't Tendy's help him? He must've worked for them for years." Lucy thought.

"Tendy's doesn't give a shit," Flo said,
"He was on his way out, talent fading, expandable." Greer couldn't imagine losing her talent even though it is something she doesn't use very often, her listening talent wasn't that good but her other one certainly is that she couldn't even use it "We need to find Danny's partner, whoever it was who left him for dead." Lockwood.

"That'll be Jack Carver," Flo answered immediately. Looks like they've come for the right person. Flo knows everyone and probably everything "But, you do not wanna find him, trust me."

"We have to."

"This is important, Flo, please." Lockwood pleaded "It's between life and death, it's either us or them." Greer said to her, leaning towards her "Fine, only because I couldn't resist that bloody face of yours." Flo sighed, shaking her head. "Leave a message on that board, and he might come and find you." Flo tilted her head towards the board behind Lockwood and Lucy "It'll have to be the right kind of message, though. One he can't ignore." Lockwood nodded before pulling out a pen and a small piece of paper.

"Our address? That is a suicide note!" Lucy exclaimed after taking a peak at what Lockwood is writing down "We need to make sure he shows up, he's our only hope." He told her.

"If he wouldn't kill us, too." Greer rolled her eyes, hands crossed on her chest as she shakes her head at Lockwood.

"Tell me about their network. How do they move their goods?" Lockwood said, so eager and desperate for more information "They're in business with Julius Winkman, antique dealer with Bermondsey who works with his wife" Greer knew they sound familiar cause she had heard about them before.

"But I'm warning you, do not poke that nest." Flo warned, "What do you mean?" Lucy questioned. Greer also heard the bad deeds of the Winkmans. "Let me put it more plainly, darling. If Carver doesn't kill you, they will." Flo stated.

Greer cannot believe she doesn't feel scared at all, probably because she met worse monsters than them.

"Thanks, Flo, here." Lockwood pulled something out of his coat "Something to remember Danny by, the way he was." He pushed the tendy badge they found earlier towards Flo who took it almost immediately to her hand.

"I'm always surprised when you turned up to see me, Locky," Flo said, looking at Lockwood who looks back at his lips sideways.

"I thought you'd be dead by now."

"Trust me, flo, I'm living with him yet too shocked to see him home without his legs cut off," Greer remarked.

It's a lovely evening, yet so dangerous as three agents of Lockwood and Co walked side by side, their coats being drawn back by the fresh and chilly air of the night.

"shouldn't we get a cab home?" Lucy asked, confused why they are walking. They had just finished talking to Flo and now they are walking in the middle of the night in the middle of the street.

AS GOOD AS DEAD →  ANTHONY LOCKWOOD حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن