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Sweet Dreams, part three

Greer's Pov

"GREER DO YOU LOVE LOCKWOOD?" George asked out of nowhere as we walked inside the cemetery.

"Of course, I love Lockwood." I chuckled as I finds it weird for George to ask this kind of question. Ever since I was a little girl, I had known Lockwood more than I didn't. We faced a lot of challenges and only had each other and as time goes by, we learn to love each other.

"I mean, the romantic way," George added.

I narrow my eyes, "That's foolish." I mumbled, never once i did do in my lifetime I imagine loving Lockwood in a romantic way "So no?" George asked.

"I said that's foolish," I repeated, rolling my eyes. Why would he even think I romantically love Lockwood? I don't say I love you to him and surely, Lockwood doesn't romantically see me, too.

He's busy thinking about how Lucy looks at him and can't blame him.

"You're too oblivious. You're supposed to be our miss watchful." George told me as he shook his head "I am." Though I didn't understand what he meant, I answered.

George asked the gravediggers where the coffin was and they told us that it was placed in the chapel and we could check it out but it would certainly not recommend it.

I and George both ignore them and went to the chapel and climbed the steps side by side. George went in first, pushing the heavy door open. I followed him inside, with a heavy feeling. I don't know if it's because of the ghost that was here or the feeling of that strange thing in my stomach or it was just Lockwood.

"Are you sure we should be here?" I asked as I looked around, feeling some kind of eerie around the place. Probably because we're in a presence of a corpse of the dead "A crime scene." George said instead of answering my question.

"What the hell?"

"Don't touch that," I said, grabbing his shoulder so he can put it down. We do not know what it does for god sake.

"Karim and Valour." George and I turned quickly, George put down the cane as we look at each other before looking at Inspector Barnes "What the hell are you doing here?" He asked.

"We have the information you would want to know about and I know I shouldn't be here but I am here and I-I don't even know why I am here." I tried to explain my side as far as I can, knowing that Inspector Barnes already dislike us and Lockwood won't like it if I and George got into trouble.

"We didn't do that, whatever it was that someone did." George explained, "Yeah, he's telling the truth." I pointed at George as I keep nodding my head "You're in my crime scene and the mirror's been stolen."

"What? But this has only been out of the ground a few hours." George said, "God damn relic men." I hissed under my breath.

"I hear you lot did the excavation, anything out of the ordinary?" Inspector Barnes walked closer to us, giving us his serious face "None, other than my migraines and feeling nausea." I answered, shrugging "I don't care about what you're feeling, Valour."

"You asked, I answered." I pointed, rolling my eyes "Any suspects?" George asked "Not yet." Inspector Barnes shakes his head, hands in his pocket. Yes, I very observe the time of person, the miss watchful" But they knocked out a 12-year-old night watch kid to get in, so," Inspector Barnes tilted his head to the side, his eyes still on us "They're gonna pay for it." He added.

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