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Sweet Dreams, part two

"SORRY ABOUT ALL THAT, I'm short-staffed at the moment." Saunders chuckled as Greer closed the door behind her, making a bang and loud noise "Joplin's got her head in a coroner's report somewhere." He said, looking around what looked like an unusual table.

"Unusual table you've got there." George told him, speaking out loud what was on Greer's mind "It's a catafalque, according to Joplin. Gawd knows what it does."

"It's a lift to take coffins to the catacombs." George said, "I'd never normally say this but you really shouldn't be using it to serve biscuits."

"I work with what I got," Saunders said before handing out the paper - which Greer assume Lockwood needs to sign for some kind of agreement that she do not know cause she wasn't there to take up any of his bullshit.

"Right, let's get this signed." Saunders handed Lockwood the pen and the paper. "What happened at the incident?" Lockwood asked, "The gravediggers mistimed it. Got caught with an exposed casket as the sunset." Saunders explained. Greer tapped her foot against the floor impatiently as she waited for them to finish their conversation, she was not planning to talk to him and want this to be over as soon as possible.

"Did anyone see a visitor?" Lucy asked
"Sensitives can't get their stories straight apart from the fact they're all sick and need a lie-down."

"No backbone, your generation." Saunders snapped, shaking his head "You said the casket was exposed?" George asked.

"Yes, but not open." Saunders answered, "That's your job, you'll be on your own. I'll not have anyone else near that grave until it's made safe, I can't risk any more disruption." He added which made all of them narrow their eyes and raised their eyebrows and even though Greer expected this, she can't help but join them.

"You said we'd be well-supported." Lockwood said, remembering what they agreed on and part of it is the protection Saunders promised "This is not what we agreed, what if there are relic men or some active visitors out there?" Lockwood listed what possible danger might happen to them as their work on this case.

"If you wish to complain, just complete the relevant paperwork." Saunders tapped the paper works in his hand "I am not filling out more forms." Lockwood said, "Suit yourself but you're still under contact." Saunders said, smiling

Three of them just stared at Saunders and Greer's impulse is to push Saunders down those steps and knock some sense in him until he gave them the protection they needed.

Greer gave Lockwood a look that says i-told-you-so "I already knew this would happen." Greer sighed, crossing her hand to her chest as she rolled her eyes.

Lockwood inhales in frustration "We shouldn't even be here, we should be front-page news." He sighed, hands on his hips as he look down on the floor "Let's just do it and go home." Greer told him, lifting her kit off the floor and heading for the door as she massage her temple.

Her migraine isn't this worse earlier but it's getting worse day by day even if her wound is getting healed. They followed her out and saw that the workers had gotten back to their table group and do what they do.

They take the path to the unmarked and unexpected grave of someone. No one led them there, sensitives just pointed out what path to take cause they are too scared to even dared to lead them there.

"They really did leave in a hurry." George said. No one is near the grave when they arrived, probably all of the people drifted back to their base cause they all needed to lie down and feel nausea "Okay." Lockwood sighed.

"Ready?" He asked as he looked between the three of them, putting his flashlight back on his belt. They're surrounded by lights and dirt. Greer drops off her kit to the ground near a grave that doesn't have that much dirt cause she doesn't want it to get dirty.

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