The Rogue Specter

Depuis le début

Few hours have passed right on by before the three ships have made it to the empire. The empire that is known to the world as Aletris, the Blood City of Flowers. The three ships have docked at the sky ports hovering above the city, around the castle. Anders, Osmond, and Fehmeeda, all met up at the ship's portside making their way off the ship, walking down the ramp onto the sky dock. They see the other three captains waiting for them by a portal with inscriptions engraved on the stone ground. Captain Casimir waves them over as they start to walk towards them. "You three ready?" Casimir asked them as they came within speaking distance. "Of course! Let's get this on with." Anders replied ready for anything that could happen. His thoughts racing a million miles a second. "Good, let's go." Casimir said to everyone as he turns around and walks into the white portal with bright white light coming from the inscriptions on the ground. The other two captains followed right behind him. Anders, Osmond, and Fehmeeda look at each other briefly before walking through the portal, briefly finding themselves in the; all too familiar white space of nothingness. Soon after they find themselves with the other three captains in the main hall being greeted by the emperor's personnel. They tell everyone to follow them to the throne room. As they walk through the main hall, they see banners color of crimson red with a bright pink flower in the middle covered partially in blood with some dripping off the right side. They walk through a door leading into a long corridor with windows on either side. They walk through another door leading into the throne room, carpet colored crimson red, a blood red colored throne with golden outlines, sitting atop a set of stairs. The carpet is colored crimson red and has decorative markings all colored a solid bright white on the edges. Sitting on the throne, a man with an intimidating look on his face. Scars and cuts running across his face, monolid eyes, black hair and brown eyes, light skin color with a hint of yellow. Wearing a red sokutai with white outlines, the emperor looks down on everyone who had just walked in. "Report?" He said with a stern clear voice to everyone. Captain Casimir stepped forward. "We did what you asked... but why?! Why make us commit such twisted, dishonorable deeds?!" Captain Casimir had yelled with such passion and anger in his voice towards the emperor. "You will kneel and show respect to Emperor Kioshi!" One of the guards yelled at Casimir, forcing him on his knees. Emperor Kioshi gets up from his throne, putting up his right hand to motion the guard to step away as Casimir gets back up to face the emperor face to face. "You dare question me?" Emperor Kioshi had asked with heavy agitation in his voice. "I do. Why have us destroy an entire city?! Innocent people dead for no reason!" Captain Casimir had replied back to Kioshi clearly mad, his face contorted with great anger. "You know what happened to the last man who had questioned me?" Kioshi asked Casimir as he started circling around him with his hands behind his back. "What are you trying to say?" Casimir replied back to Kioshi, eyeing his movement around him, as he came back around to face Casimir directly to his face once again. "During the great rebellion, he would become known as 'The Rogue Specter'. and like the specter he was called, he would strike and retreat like the dishonorable man he was." Kioshi said to Casimir, pausing for a moment before continuing. "So, in his great dishonor, I had taken my best men to personally hunt him down. We found the specter and had him publicly executed, becoming exactly what he was called." Kioshi said calmly to Casimir's face implying he would be next. "It would be a great shame if the same would happen to you. You are a valued and skilled captain of one our finest ships. I expect better from you." Kioshi had finished talking to Casimir. Captain Casimir has chills running up and down his spine, giving him goosebumps and a very uneasy feeling. "Sorry Emperor Kioshi, but I cannot continue to serve you if I am going to be made to end innocent lives in the process of me carrying out my duties." Casimir said to Kioshi, turning to look away from him showing great disrespect. "Well then... in great service, I shall not have you executed. But you and those who follow you are exiled from this great empire. Returning here will mean certain death." Emperor Kioshi had stated to everyone in the room. The other two captains as well as Anders, Osmond, and Fehmeeda, who were readying for a fight were surprised. "Leave now! And never return!" Emperor Kioshi had finished saying to them as he turned away from them to return to his throne. The party of six that had entered to confront the emperor had left the throne room to go back through the main hall to the portal leading to the sky docks. As they all approached the Taranis, Captain Casimir stops everyone before boarding their respective ships. "That went better than expected." Casimir stated thinking the worse was going to happen. "Don't count your lucky stars just yet." Captain Eisa said to Casimir still having concerns. "Let's get out of here before we tempt fate any further to have anything worse happen before we leave." Captain Titus suggested. They nod in agreement, boarding their respective ships, undocking and start to make their way out of the city. Captain Casimir, with Anders, Osmond, and Fehmeeda standing at the bridge, start to hear canon fire. Immediately Captain Casimir yells for shields to be put up for the ship. A woman standing at her post for defensive power of the ship, to the far-right corner of the bridge, presses a button and, for a brief second, they see a dark blue flash, knowing the shields are now up. They hear explosions as the ship violently rocks. "Damn! We have to get out of here now! Prepare emergency teleportation! Now!" Captain Casimir yelled. "Aye captain!" A man standing to the far left in the bridge replied. "'Till then, evasive maneuvers and fire back!" Captain Casimir yelled. The Taranis starts making erratic movement in attempt to dodge the canon fire as the shells hit the shields of the ship, making it shake violently. The ship Murphy starts providing covering fire, aiming at the city's canons, only hitting two of them, causing an explosion and parts of the city's wall to crumble on top of the city down below. The Montgomery sends out a burst to temporarily knock the canons out of power. "Go now!" Captain Casimir yelled as the ship teleports out of the city followed by the ship Murphy and The Montgomery right after. 

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