The Truth Behind E.X.I.T

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Liy's POV:

I slowly opened the door.... and right there and then I realized this was IT. This was the moment I was going to start my next adventure.... but was it going to be something I wanted to find out or not? I braced myself for what I might find, and it looked like Pencil, Match, Bracelety, and everyone else did too. And then, everything showed itself to us.

As soon as we entered the door however... we suddenly were surrounded by nothing but white panels with black ripples on the walls. Suddenly, the radar and alarms started going off. "What's happening????" Shouted Firey Jr. "I don't know!!!" I yelled back. Were we in danger? Was Four going to somehow notice us and torture us for attempting to escape??? I really had no idea but this really wasn't looking good for us at all.

Pencil was visibly upset. "Wow thanks Stapy and Liy, we're all going to die now and it's all your fault." Me and Stapy glared at her. "At least we tried something!!!" Stapy growled angrily. "More than what you could do, possibly ruining our one chance of getting out of this hell!!!" "Why you..." growled Pencil, and it looked like things were about to get ugly. "ARE YOU BOTH IDIOTS???" yelled Match. "We are in a horrible situation right now and this is what you're doing? Get it together!" Both of them looked ashamed. "Sorry Stapy..." said Pencil. "No, I overreacted too." Stapy replied.

Suddenly, out of nowhere the panels became staticky, almost like a video was about to play on it. "Aw, Seriously???" cried David. Dora muttered some nonsense that was hard to understand, I think she said something about how this possibility was 1 in a 100 chance of happening? I wish someone from that one team that had a scrambled name was here... I mean I've never even talked to Dora so I wouldn't even know what she was saying. But suddenly, the tape began to play.

Pencil's POV:

Oh my god, what the flake is happening???? We FINALLY go through the god forsaken door and now more craziness is going on... I have a really bad feeling. Was escaping worth knowing what was about to happen next? I really had no idea what we were in for. I held on tight to Match. "Match... if this is the end... just know-" Match put her finger to my mouth. "We're not going out like this." She said. "Whatever happens next, we're going to face it together." I smiled back at her. I really do have a great best friend.

"Hello, is this thing on?!?!?" said a voice. We all gasped. It was all over the panels, but it was the same video. What was on the screen were three different numbers. They looked like a Three, a Seven, and FOUR???? What was going on.... I decided I had to know the truth, despite how horrible it ended up being. As the first one who got sent down here, I have always been looking for answers.... and it looked like, I was finally about to get them.


"Hello..... testing, testing!" 

"Ok it looks like this thing is on.... well I hope so. After all I found this camera in Goiky with the Lens Cap still on so hopefully it still records ok." I gasped. I recognized that lens cap as the one me, Ruby and the rest of Freesmart used for our video diaries. I honestly thought that it ended up being lost a long time ago. I looked over at Match, who seemed just as worried as I was.

The voice continued. "Greetings, objects of the E.X.I.T! My name is Cryo, and I am much different than the Four you remember. The red number on my right is Three and the grey one is Seven. If you're seeing this, it means one of you was smart enough to open the door... I congratulate you because if you didn't, there was no possible way for you to escape this place. However at this point, things have gone far beyond my original plans, so I suppose it is time to tell you the truth about the E.X.I.T." Liy and Stapy were furious. "He pisses me off more than the original Four..." smirked Firey Jr. " I didn't think that was possible."

"I am a clone of Four that he specifically made to rule over the E.X.I.T., while he was running BFB with X.... however, once Two showed up and the competition was split in half, Four's memory was lost. I was bitter by being abandoned, and as a result I wanted nothing but revenge." Match was surprised. "Wait, who the heck is Two????" Beats me, I thought. Cryo/Clone-Four continued: "Currently, Four is in a state of suspended animation as a result of me freezing his brain, and I will never let him out or I will cease to exist."

Everyone gasped. "So that's why Four hasn't been available to free us...." said 8-Ball sadly. "We really have become extra unlucky." I had to agree, this was a lot of information to take in. Cryo continued: "But you might be asking, what does that have to do with you? Why keep you all down here when that has nothing to do with whether I live or die? Honestly, it's nothing personal. X wanted to try and free you after realizing what had happened to Four, but he is a longggg way from where he can reach you now. Somewhere in the middle of the ocean. But you see, if I let you out, I'll die! So I can't let that happen, especially since Four will regain consciousness. But I suppose I'll let Seven explain what the E.X.I.T really is and how you got here, since it is of no concern to me." Here it is, I thought. The answer I was looking for.

Seven: "This might be tough for you all to hear, but you are not actually yourselves. What I mean is, the body you are in right now is nothing more than a simulation." Everyone gasped. Roboty started beeping wildly. Liy started shouting. "What do you mean NOT OUR BODY???? Explain yourself, you psychopath!" Seven continued talking. "You see, when you all were eliminated, your real body was held in a chamber at the top of Four's mind. From then on, I had full control and had to make certain "enhancements" to make you all smarter to be able to participate in "Eternal Algebra Class", and in the meantime your memory was completely wiped of what I did to you and you were all turned into souls." I was stunned. I didn't even know what to say. I always thought things were a bit fishy, but this ended up being at a level I couldn't even begin to think about.

Stapy was furious. "So you think it's ok to just take our free will and get away with it??? You'll pay for this, you maniac!" Match had to hold him back from trying to break the panels. "Stapy... please..." Match was teary eyed too, but she still kept a brave face. Bracelety was silent, which was the first time I've ever seen that happen to her. Then, Three started to speak: "After Seven ended up wiping your memories and turned you into souls, you were sent to this school, the Eternal Algebra Class. Unfortunately it would take far too long to explain it to you, your minds would explode. But the main point is, before you guys, only a few other people had access to this place. However they all escaped through the same door you guys did and went through a path like one that will probably show itself to you after we disappear. Three people in fact." Firey Jr. was surprised. "Wait, there's other people here??? How long have they been trapped here for???" 

"Since you were from a different world than those 3, your brains had to be modified to process all the information that was coming into this realm, hence why you all are a lot smarter. Your original self would normally not be able to handle the information overload." "Oh so we should be thanking you?" Match seethed. Bracelety just looked at me with a sad expression. "Doesn't that mean.... I was too dumb to come here? No wonder I was eliminated...." I hugged her and pulled her close. "Stop that." I said. "You're amazing and no one can tell you different." Bracelety looked at me again. "But... I feel it's all coming back to me now... how I got here... what those 3 numbers said.... I feel dizzy." She then passed out. "Bracelety!" I yelled.

Cryo: "Ah... well it looks like my time has run out... the battery looks like it's about to die. Well unfortunately, I can't stop you all from trying to make it out of here! But know I will do everything I can to prevent you from escaping, and make your lives a living hell. Trust me, you do not know the meaning of despair. Try to choose a path, if you wish. It makes no difference, either stay and be trapped, or die a painful death and forever be forgotten.... the choice is yours. I'll see you never!"

The screen turned off. We all looked at each other silently. What was going to happen now? I suddenly felt sick. All this new information was causing me to hyperventilate. Suddenly, the uproar among everyone broke out.

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