The Familar Voice.

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I froze. My heart started racing. I knew who this voice was. It was my middle school bully Ren. He picked on me countless times as well as Mei. It was obvious he had a crush on Mei, but perhaps he never got her hint. I wonder what he would want?

"Ah... Yes..?"I said as I stood still frozen. Not sure to what say or think. My mind was completely in adrenaline mode as if I were in a life or death scenario.

"I know it's been a while Aki. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for how I treated you." He did a polite bow right after.

"Wait, you're really apologizing?" My pupils dilate, and I blinked a bit. I could never believe what I'm hearing.

"Yes and I mean it." He paused, before taking a deep breath." After starting high school I've changed my ways." He said seriously, with a truth worthy smile on his face.

"Oh. Thank you.." I said, still suspicious. I mean can someone seriously change after a year or two? I don't fully buy it, but I'll go along with it I guess.

"You're here for the Dreamwaver right?"He said with a big smirk trying to lift the mood up again. "Lemme guess.. the game Nightfall?" He snapped his fingers like an anime character.

"You're correct." I looked into his eyes. "I was actually going to play that game with Mei today once we got it." I told him.

"Mei..? You still talk to her?" Ren sounding a bit heartbroken as he glances away. You could tell he was trying to hide his blush, just not doing a very good job at it.

"Yeah, I do.. why?" I questioned him, but I was a bit suspicious. Could this guy seriously still like Mei?

Before responding, he looked down at the pavement, kind of seeming disappointed. "When you see her, could you tell her I'm sorry?" He sounded sincere for once.

"Mhm." I said. "I will, and thank you Ren." Quietly chuckling. "Seriously it means alot." I still didn't fully buy it, but I mean if he's gonna act like this I'll go along with it.

We waited in line, the line kept expanding by the minute. A lot of passerbys were curious and asked why people were lined up. I could tell on some of their faces they could not fathom the fact people would be so excited for some "video game".
Me and Ren, it was silent between us for a while. I constantly checked my watch. five minutes pass, then ten minutes, still total science between us but everyone else in line was noisy so it didn't feel as awkward, until I hear some fast footsteps running by.

"Aki- Kun! And.." a girl waved at us then her hands dropped. It was Mei. She said happily then froze. Her expression became cold, and she looked empty.

"Ah.. Mei. I know you wouldn't believe this but Ren wanted to apologize, he changed seriously!" I tried to sound convincing but was failing miserably.

She stood, frozen in fear. I'm sure all the trauma from the bullying has came back to her. Like I said before she was bullied by a lot of people, especially the popular kids like Ren.

One time Ren thought it would be funny by putting a love letter in her locker. Then once Mei showed up to the location on the school rooftop. He stood her up, then showed up at the last second. He brought his friends to laugh. I remember Mei telling me his words were

"Seriously? You thought I would date a loser? Get lost!" Before he and his friends spitting on her and locking the school rooftop door. How brutal.

"Mei. I'm sorry. I truly mean it. I've changed" Ren spoke softly as if he was speaking to a puppy.

Mei suddenly hides behind me, like a lost girl, with her head peaking out a little while she trade glances with Ren.

"Yes you can probably recall the love letter incident." He spoke." At the time I thought it was funny, but I realized how messed up it was now. I am truly sorry for that." He bowed his head down, people were starting to look at us now."Also I'm no longer friends with those people anymore." He said sadly.

"Guys, you know what. Let's just this aside. We are all here for the Dreamwaver right?" I say with a slight smile on my face, trying to lift up our spirits.

A man inside the GameTrix which I would presume to be a worker, comes out with a hand speakerphone shouts "Attention! All customers. The doors will be opening now. Please stay in your lines, and do not push or shove. Thank you."

My heart is pumping fast, heavy breathing. This is it. It's time to finally get this thing and play. We make our way towards the entrance.

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