Chapter 11 (Part 2)

Comenzar desde el principio

Meaning there was something left to tell. Something that was too much for him.

"Did Penelope mention anything regarding your ears?" She asked, changing the subject.

"No. She was a bit... distracted to notice."

My response had her lifting a questioning brow, but she didn't prob for more. Instead, she clicked her tongue disapprovingly as she shook her head and gathered the clothing she had been pulling out.

"Luckily that girl only pays attention to men she finds ravishing," she muttered under her breath.

I had a feeling she was second-guessing her decision to try and set her up with Silas.

"Put the ring on." She pointed towards my hand with her chin. "I want to see if it works or not. It's designed for fae but should work since you aren't required to hold the glamour. It does all the work for you."

Eyeing the ring with suspicion, I let out a breath as I tried to gauge which finger it would fit best. I didn't trust Hilda, but I did trust that she and Silas didn't want it getting out that I was a human. Not after I had witnessed the hostility between him and Cedric and heard the thinly veiled threat he had left in the form of a reminder. And especially not now that I had become an involuntary but crucial part of whatever the mother-son duo had going on.

I also trusted that those motivators would also be my key to dragging them down with me if they were the reason I couldn't make it back to Ash to fulfill the promise I made him. I would find out if it ever came down to it.

"It's too big-"

My words ended with a gasp as the ring that was too loose to even fit my thumb shrunk to fit the middle finger I had slipped it onto. Once my amazement wore off, an inkling of worry followed. It had me reaching for the ring to try and tug it off. I let out a relieved breath when it slipped off with ease.

"Yes, you can remove it, but," I looked up from the ring to see the warning in her eyes that matched her stressed words. "Do. Not. Take it off. Ever."

I swallowed hard, feeling the weight of her strict gaze. "O-okay."

"Good. Now, here," she said, the oppressive air that had enveloped us vanishing as quickly as it formed when she dropped her gaze and reached from the stack of clothing before her. My shoulders refused to relax as she pushed them toward me. "These are for you. You'll need more for winter, but these and the clothes I can spare should do for now."

"What are my chances of getting back home before winter hits?"

"You'll be lucky if I even get a response from my friend before the first snowfall."

My shoulders dropped in dejection. "I thought they weren't your friends," I mumbled in bitterness.

She clicked her tongue and pushed the clothes further towards me, making me reach out for them before they could drop to the floor. "In the meantime, you will need to integrate yourself into our lives without raising any suspicions. If anyone asks, you are the daughter of a friend who recently passed and lost your home along with your mother. I offered you a bed in exchange for additional help as age catches up to me. Understand? Good," she remarked at my nod. "I'll also get you some books you can read about this realm. It would be best if you weren't completely clueless as to what you may face while you are here. Though, you will not be venturing far from this home, and never alone."

"Thanks," I replied, trying to reign in my sarcasm as I held the clothes to my chest.

"Go put them away and wash up. I'll prepare lunch. After we eat, I'm going to need your help to prepare for the town market this weekend. We're going to need to sell more than usual to be able to afford you a nice coat and some decent boots so you don't lose any toes. Though, I'm sure Silas would have no problem taking on an extra contract to make up the difference if need be."

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