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Manifesting is one the most simple and easy forms of witchcraft! But what is manifesting, you ask, and how do you do it? Well manifesting is the act of creating something from nothing. You can make something happen with your mind!

Manifesting is quite easy. You want to see that Fox on that trip! We'll continue to think you WILL see the Fox. Now doing this doesn't guarantee anything, but it's a hopeful act and it's how you put your energy and attitude out into the world.

You can also use affirmations as a form of manifestation. Saying things to yourself in the mirror like "I am beautiful" or "no one will notice my acne" is a form of manifestation and self affirmation! Buy saying these things you are telling the universe that you wish for these to come into fruition.

Sigils can also be used to manifest. Making a sigil that means "I will make more money" is manifesting!

You can also manifest things by making a vision board. A vision board is a physical or online bulletin board filled with pictures of things you want in life. This is manifesting.

So use this power to your will! And accept what you do or don't receive gracefully.

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