My Fake Valentine | tammy

Start from the beginning

"Oh you're watching the good place? I love that show! Kristen Bell is hilarious" she giggled and I nod awkwardly. "Sorry to just barge in... I knocked but I figured you couldn't hear me" she explains and I nod again. I don't know how she's not aware that I like her. I literally can't function when she's close to me, especially if we're alone.

"Umm well I just wanted to ask if you'd want to do something today? I haven't heard you really talk about someone and I figured—since we both don't have plans..." she stutters out. Is she asking me out? No. Relax. "Uh- sure..." I reply quietly, "great! Did you have anything in mind?" she asks softly.

"Considering you just asked me... no" I chuckle, "right. Sorry. How about we both think of some things and meet downstairs in an hour or so?" she suggests. "Sounds good to me" I answer and she nod before leaving. I have an hour to plan the best day ever and blow her fucking socks off.

I know we're not together and there's barely even a possibility but I want her to be happy regardless. I hate that she's single, especially since I think she deserves the world and I want to give it all to her. So I'll take this day to show my love for her since I have the excuse of it being Valentine's Day.

about an hour and a half later...

I reach the bottom of the stairs and find Tammy sitting on the sofa. Her back is turned to me, so she hasn't noticed my presence yet. I watch her, her bottom lip tucked between her teeth as she stares at her phone. Her eyebrows furrowed in concentration as she scrolls.

"Hey" I speak up and she quickly turns to face me with a soft smile adorning her features. "Where'd everybody go? It's quiet" I point out, "oh they've all left already" she answers. "Something about big plans" she chuckles while rolling her eyes playfully. She pats the space next to her and I walk over to sit down.

"So... I've got nothing. What about you?" she grimaces, "well I've got a little more than nothing" I chuckle nervously. "Oh? What is it?" she asks excitedly, "it's a surprise" I smirk. She scoffs while rolling her eyes and nudging my shoulder. "Oh come onnn" she whines, "nope. Just get ready" I instruct as I stand back up.

"How am I supposed to know what to wear if you don't tell me?" she counters with a smirk of 'victory' on her face. "Where those cute flowy pants that match your trench coat and whatever shirt you want. Also... if you don't wear sneakers, I suggest you bring socks" I advise and she pouts in confusion. "Go" I chuckle and she jogs upstairs to her room.

I shake my head and smile to myself softly as I get a warm feeling all over my chest. I walk up to my room and get ready myself; waiting for her downstairs afterwards.

one hour later...

We're finally at our first destination and Tammy looks out the passenger window curiously. "What is this place?" she asks softly, "you'll see" I tell her. I get out and open her door before she can, to which she smiles gratefully. We walk inside together and she looks around taking everything in.

I go up to the counter as she wanders behind me and order cards for us. Reserving a bowling lane for later in case she wants to play. I hand her the card and she furrows her eyebrows. I point over to the arcade section and her eyes widen. "Ready to get your ass whopped at basketball?" I ask her and she scoffs, "you will NOT whoop my ass" she states.

"We'll see about that..." I giggle as I run over and she chases behind me.

30 minutes later

After many rounds of basketball and various other games, we only have a little money left on the cards. With the remaining funds Tammy decides to go over to the prize machines. I can see how determined she is to get a little koala plushie. She gets so frustrated after using all the money left on her card trying to get it.

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