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"KILLED? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" Sienna asks, eyes darting back and forth from Athenodora and Sulpicia

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"KILLED? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" Sienna asks, eyes darting back and forth from Athenodora and Sulpicia.

Their silence is so intense that Sienna begins to wonder if she even heard what was said correctly.

"Well?" She prods, hoping for an answer or confirmation or something.

"It really is not our place to say." Sulpicia speaks quietly, avoiding eye contact with the human.

Sienna scoffs. "Tell me, please? I am the one who is being killed, right? I deserve to know something."

Athenodora shrugs and begins speaking. "Very well."

Sulpicia shakes her head and narrows her eyes at Athenodora. "It is not our place to tell her."

"I practically already told her, Sul—Besides, what will even happen to us? Shane is merely a man." Athenodora shrugs as she finishes her point.

Sulpicia sighs dramatically. "Whatever."

Sienna watches the two with her head tilted to the side in bewilderment; she cannot believe these two women—they told her she was to be killed soon and then argued about it while Sienna was sat across from them the entire time.

"Shanes plan is to have you... executed—to put it lightly." Athenodora says and then drinks the last of her blood with a quiet, content sigh. "See, if you die as the soulmate to the three kings, they'll eventually follow after you, growing weaker in the process, therefore are quite easy to overthrow, which is Shanes whole plan."

Sienna feels anger flare inside of her. The man whom raised her and the man she basically does everything for is planning her death just so he can gain some power and control a species that he knows nothing about.

She knew he was a bad person but she never thought he'd stoop so low. At one point she believed he saw her as his daughter but she knows now how wrong she was.

He probably didn't even want her back here for any other reasons besides using her as bait for his battle. She should have never left Italy.

"And when is he planning on doing this?" Sienna asks softly, voice void of any emotion.

"I believe the day you're set to leave for Italy, to take the kings by surprise, weaken them and then either capture them or kill them." Athenodora explains. "Not a terrible plan, actually."

"Okay..." Sienna slowly nods and then stands up, her hands rest on the back of the chair she previously sat on—she doesn't feel like speaking with these two anymore. "It was lovely spending time with you two, hopefully we can do it again—well, before I leave for Italy."

𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐄, 𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬.Where stories live. Discover now