14 - To Be, or Not To Be

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I trained at the dojo for a few more minutes, just running through all the basic kicks on the bag- which I finished cleaning, then I put the key and charm onto my keys, changed into some comfortable work out clothes- leggings and a tank top, classic- and drove to the LaRusso's house. I'm a little early, but I like it that way. As I take the keys out of the car, I hold them in my hand, looking them over. There's my car key, obviously, and the fob, my house key, the key to the dojo, the snake charm that matches my tattoo, and the keychain Miguel gave me for Christmas that says "you need a pilot" with an x-wing on the back. A classic Poe Dameron line. I've seen sets online where there's a matching one that says "I need a pilot", which is what Finn responded with. I can't help but wonder if Miguel has the other one.

The charms remind me of my situation. Sensei hates Mr LaRusso... and the later might not be who I thought he was... maybe I should ask.. but how can I possibly ask that? "Hey, were you lying about being bullied in highschool and are actually the bully yourself?"? I can't say that, I'd probably get fired. But I need to know the truth... clearly somebody on  one of the sides isn't telling the complete truth... I just don't know if I'm ready to learn who that person is... I really don't want it to be either of them... I really wish they didn't have to have drama with each other... I really wish something in my life could just be good without complications...

With a deep sigh, I finally decide to get out of the car, walking out to the home dojo, where I find Mr LaRusso doing what he told me was a kata. He started teaching me the Miyagi Family kata a few weeks ago in the time that I'd be there before Robby got there. There's just something about it that seems... right. It's so calming. Like I could just do it and nothing else matters. I wish it could stay that way. I don't say anything, as I don't want to interrupt him.

"Jesus Christ, Renée," he says as he finally realizes I'm here, "you could've said something."

"Sorry, I didn't want to interrupt," I respond sheepishly, walking further inside. He smiles.

"Don't worry about it. You're early, as always. Did you want to work on the kata? We'll have plenty of time for that when we get to where we're going," Mr LaRusso asks. I mean, I would love to work on kata... but I can't. Not right now... I just... I need to know the truth. I can't figure out a solution to my problem if I don't have all the facts, and that means getting more of Mr LaRusso's side of things.

"I mean, I always want to work on kata... but I- I actually wanted to ask you something," I say back, swallowing down fear.

"Is everything okay?" he asks, seeming concerned. I don't quite make eye contact, as I fear doing so will squander any ounce of courage I do have. I clutch my keys a little tighter for comfort.

"Yeah- yeah, everything's okay I just uh- I- this is kind of a strange question and I'm sorry if it like brings up any uh- any past stuff you didn't want to think about, but do you- do you remember the name- or names- of those guys who bullied you in highschool..?" I ask, voice getting a little quieter at the end as the look on his face steadily changes. He seems to pick up on my nervous demeanor, because he laughs a little, though it's a little dry, almost like he's laughing through annoyance.

"Do I remember, god, I wish I didn't. He was an asshole then, and he hasn't changed one bit," Mr LaRusso says, "Johnny Lawrence. That was his name. There were others, but he was the ringleader. What makes you ask?"

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