The Mother Eater didn't move. It simply stood there, observing as its foes prepared to attack. Dukemon and Omegamon were the first two to charge.

Dukemon: Let's go! QUO VADIS!!!

Omegamon: GREY CANNON!!!

Omegamon shot a massive plasma blast from his Grey Cannon, which combined with the Quo Vadis, and landed a huge hit on the Mother Eater. However it was still standing.

KaiserKnightmon: We're not gonna let them fight alone! 

Dynasmon: Well said. Legendary Warriors, gather your power! (they charge in)


KaiserKnightmon: FINAL DARKNESS!!!

BlackSeraphimon: SEVEN HELLS!!!

MetalSeadramon: ULTIMATE STREAM!!!

AncientIrismon: TORNADO CUTTER!!!


KaiserGreymon: ENRYUGIKI!!!

Ofanimon: EDEN'S JAVELIN!!!


Dynasmon: WYVERN'S HEART!!!

The ten legendary warriors combined all of their attacks, landing a huge blast of energy onto the Mother Eater, which ended up falling over, without energy. Sonic and Sayo extended their hands for it.

Nokia: How's this, you guys?

Sonic: It works! I think we can open the portal now!

Chitose: Excellent! This one's in the bag!

Ryuji: Don't lower your guard! As far as I'm conserned, more Eaters might appear to attack us.

Arata: We'll leave the task of saving Yuugo in your hands, guys!

Sonic: Got it. (turns to the Mother Eater) Here we go!

Sayo: Yeah!

The two of them extende their hands for the Mother Eater. However, as they were about to jump, they Half-Cyber Bodies glitched slightly, and became all blue for a second.

Everyone but Sonic and Sayo: GASP!

Sonic and Sayo: CONNECTION JUMP!!!

Sonic and Sayo opened a portal deep inside the Eater Network. Once in there, they imediatly saw a boy. The two of them aproched it. It seemed to be a fragment of Yuugo's memory. However, Sonic and Sayo couldn't tell.

Sonic: Is this him?

Sayo: I can't tell. The Eater Network is to strong.

The ghost looked at them, then into space. It seems that it could look outside the Eater Network, and actually see Yuuko, Hanon, Arata and Nokia. It smilled. Sonic and Sayo looked into space to.

Sonic: It looks like he can see them outside.

Ghost: I've missed you. I've been so lonely. You came for me. I'm so happy, happy, happy. Hurry up. I want to see you all.

Sorrowful Voice: No...

Sonic and Sayo felt something weird. However, the ghost simply moved back, gathering their attention. The two of them reached out for the ghost of Yuugo's memories.

Ghost: I was looking for everyone. Looking this whole time. I finally found you. I don't want to be by myself anymore. I want to go home, go home, go home...

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