Hide And Seek

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"Riley!" I yelled, racing into the debrief room she usually worked in. I found her on the brown leather couch, deeply focused on her laptop. She stood, concerned, her 5'7 frame looked down on my 5'3 one. Pretty much everyone was taller than me, except Matilda.

Now that I had her attention, I wasted no time. "Hide me! I told Bozer his robot wasn't smart enough to win a game of Hide-And-Seek, so I need to find a good spot."

"You're just as childish as Jack," she teased. I followed her out the door, "how much time do you have?"

I made a guess, "30 more seconds?"

Out of the entire spy corporation we had lots of options, but considering the count down, we settled for the stuffy janitorial closet. We kept the lights off, which caused me to trip over the 'wet surface' sign. But before I met with a brutal landing, Riley caught my wrist and pulled me toward her.

"Clumsier than Jack, too." She smirked.

"Stop comparing me to your father-figure!" We couldn't contain our laughter.

Riley pulled out her phone, tapping on the screen that illuminated the rest of the room. "Now, Bozer won't be able to track us with our phones." She looked up, accomplished.

I cleared the area with my feet and sat down on the floor, "it kinda stinks in here."

"It's not as bad as Mac's stink bombs," she kneeled across from me. Did she mean fart? As if reading my internal thought she continued, "No, he actually made a stink bomb one time in Italy."

"You guys have been through a lot together,"

How could I possibly hope for a relationship with MacGyver when he's spent years with this beautiful woman.

"It's nothing to worry about, Eliza."

My brows furrowed at her unexpected reassurance.

"We've never looked at each other as more than what we are: family." She sighed, "If I'm being honest, I wanted a chance with you. But it would've only happened if Mac wasn't in the picture, and I'd never wish for that."

"I think you're right." There wasn't much else to say, "Friends?" I held my hand out.

"Friends." She grinned, shaking my hand in agreement.

I was thankful for a lot of things about that interaction. Thankful that Riley didn't overwhelm me with the expectation of a relationship, that she didn't guilt-trip me into saying I wanted her back, for not crossing the boundaries I never needed to set. I was thankful for being opened up to a new type of friendship. A healthy one with honesty. One that could last.

A click of the door sounded and the light came on, "Oh, pardon me ladies. I just need to grab the mop." The janitor's face expressed nothing but confusion.

Riley and I exchanged a comedic look, "That's okay, we were leaving anyways." I stood. "Have a good day, sir!"

We made our way to Bozer's lab, cracking of laughter at the awkward situation that unfolded. Opening the glass door, we found him at his desk. Bozer was painting a silicone mask the shape of a face.

"Bozer, did you even look for me?!"

"We you in the janitor's closet with Riley? Sparky already guessed."

My jaw dropped, "fine, I admit it, your robot is pretty smart."

"That's all thanks to Sparky's programmer," He gave his signature smile. Bozer was the programmer.

Riley rolled her eyes at his cockiness.

"Hey Boze, have you seen-" MacGyver paced into the room with Jack at his side. His deep blue eyes locked with mine, "I leave you with Matty for three seconds and you're already having a party in the lab," he chuckled.

"Hey!" I defended, "Matty took me to Bozer and then it turned into a competitive game of robot Hide-And-Seek."

"Somehow that's even worse," MacGyver snorted.

"Now, hold on there, I can't believe you didn't think to grab me. I would've outsmarted that robot for sure."

"Jack, a toddler could outsmart you." Riley countered.

"Is today 'Hate On Jack Day' or something, cause I can't say Im like'n it." His arms went up in defence. "Why not pick on Bozer."

The room bursted into jokes and silly protests. I went quiet, enjoying the moment of light-hearted bickering. At home, the main even was insults and physical threats. But here, felt like a true home. These people were the family I got to choose and embrace. I couldn't be more grateful. Happiness had made a home on each of their faces. I admired MacGyver's open smile and the sweet melody that escaped his lips when he laughed. Even when I closed my eyes, all that consumed me was him and his welcoming heart.

I observe people. I observe those I love. It began as a protection strategy. I would watch the patterns of my mother and father, see their behaviours that indicated an outburst in the future.

My mother, she would distance herself from me, ignore me for days on end, then blow up. I was helium to her balloon. At first, I could fill her enough to function, to pretend. But my presence filled and filled and filled her until she exploded. It was a pattern, our pattern, and I had grown accustomed to it.

Next, we had my father. When he laughed, I knew I was screwed. He would huff out a breathy chuckle at an incorrect response from me, that's when I knew to brace for impact. To tense every muscle in my body in hopes not to feel the pain as much as last time. It all blurred together and eventually my body was a siren song of agony. Every movement, ever moment, it screeched. Every bruise and bone would cry.

But I was in a new environment now, with new people. I was learning to feel safe again, to use my observation skills to sink deeper into the moment. Although, it inevitably caused me to fall further into infatuation with MacGyver.

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